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"The Internet will never replace traditional course books in schools." How far do you agree on this?

Chelseamymy 1 / -  
Jun 26, 2021   #1

the future of textbooks in education

Over the past five decades, people have witnessed the burgeoning development of the Internet and its ubiquitous spread to a multitude of fields, one of which is markedly education. Nevertheless, in terms of information supply, some individuals assert that the odds are against the Internet's superseding conventional textbooks. Personally, I totally disapprove of such anticipation for the following reasons.

In the first place, with the mind-boggling upsurge in the amount of knowledge nowadays, the restricted quantity of information provided by traditional course books is never sufficient and is likely to be outdated due to sporadic updates. Conversely, the Internet offers both frequently-updated academic lessons and abundant relevant sources that facilitate students' further learning.

Secondly, while conventional school materials show no variety and flexibility in their content presentation, the Internet does such a fabulous job in exposing pupils to a vast array of utilitarian learning websites where lessons are delivered in form of a succinct mind map, a vivid video, and so on. Furthermore, there are a wealth of fascinating games and quizzes available on such sites in order for young learners to make revisions after each lesson. All of these can considerably help in sparking students' interest in studying as well as generating greater productivity of education.

Last but not least, when it comes to compactness, it would be folly to gainsay the fact that Internet-connected phones and computers are far lighter and more close-packed than burdensome textbooks. On top of that, as the production of those course books exacerbates contemporary deforestation, the application of the Internet in education as a source of information provision can undoubtedly assist in forest conservation and ultimately protect the environment for human future accommodation.

In conclusion, with all extraordinary attributes in terms of knowledge supply and environmental preservation, the Internet conspicuously overshadows conventional textbooks and is therefore likely to completely replace them in the near future.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 14982 4813  
Jun 27, 2021   #2
There is an over writing on the part of the writer who has focused not on the clarity of his essay message, but on verbiage instead. The writing is therefore too wordy to make immediate sense to the examiner and, also indicates that there was no time limit placed during the development of the essay. This type of verbose writing cannot be complete within the 40 minute time allowance. The essay is more confusing rather than informative, over-presented in a confusing manner, rather than clearly discussed by the essayist.

As the essay is to be completed only within 4 paragraphs, it appears that the writer is either self studying and unfamiliar with the rules because of this or, the writer chooses to disregard the writing requirements for the essay. The rules for a task 2 essay are simple: convince the examiner that your opinion is valid, using clear reasons and examples, within 3-5 sentences, over 4 paragraphs. This is just a simple opinion discussion and should not be presented as if the author were delivering an oration.

To further complicate matters, the student did not consider the relevance of word usage when opting to open a dictionary and use impressive sounding words. Advanced English word usage is one thing. Advanced English word usage in the wrong context is another. It is an error that leads to a failing LR, C+C, and GRA score. That, is exactly what happened with this presentation. It failed due to the lack of focus on simple clarity and word usage, which is the formula for a passing essay presentation.

Long essays are more often than not, failing essays. This essay is a perfect example of that. From task accuracy, all the way to grammar range and accuracy, this presentation is riddled with errors that, when collectively scored, will result in a failed attempt at esssay writing.

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