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annahatef 30 / 9 7  
Nov 22, 2015   #1
Internet contains a lot of information, however, sometimes this information is inaccurate or wrong. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

It is irrefutable that the internet has many information which can be incorrect. Some websites publish invalid information for various purposes. However, there are official websites, academic on-line journals and government websites in which people can find valid data for different tasks. In this essay, I will explain the statement that in the internet, valid information can be found.

To begin with, some academic online journals have published valid e-articles and e-books. These high ranking journals are well known among academic staffs and students, because these journals have employed professional doctors in different fields to edit and review of articles. Therefore, when some students refer to these e-journals, all tutors and professors accept these study materials. For example, I have seen many final theses were accepted by professors in different universities, when students just use the materials of e-journals.

In addition, some government organizations in different nations have specific websites in which there are accurate information. Citizens can log on these websites and find different official information without any hesitations of getting wrong information, because these websites are checked by government staffs and the police daily.

Moreover, these days many companies and news papers have definite websites. These companies try to encourage people to buy their products and visit their websites regularly, so they attract people by valid information in their websites. They do not publish invalid information which damage their reputation.

In conclusion, the internet consists a great deal of information which can be valid. This valid information can be found in definite websites, such as high ranking e-journals, business and government websites.
rockprincess 7 / 12  
Nov 22, 2015   #2
The Internet contains a lot of information...

It is irrefutable that the internet has many much information that can be incorrect.

To begin with, some academic onlineonline academic journals have published valid e-articles and e-books.
... known among academic staffs and students, because these journals have ...
For example, I have seen professors accepted many final theses were by in different universities, when students just use the materials of e-journals.
vangiespen - / 4131 1449  
Nov 22, 2015   #3
Anna, before you present your discussion presenting your disagreement to the prompt that states "Internet contains a lot of information, however, sometimes this information is inaccurate or wrong." You need to first make sure that the reader knows that you will be discussing your opinion in the essay. A simple sentence that says, "I disagree with this statement because..." will automatically represent the prompt requirement that you "agree or disagree with this statement". This is an opinion that should be contained in the second to the last or the last sentence of your overview paragraph. Never neglect to provide the complete prompt requirements at the very start of your essay. Always review the prompt as you develop the essay to ensure that you have not neglected to represent all the requirements for the discussion.

You have presented valid discussion in your defense of the statement. All of which have helped to strengthen your position on the topic. I just wish that you had presented some opposing points of view in relation to your discussion because the current version of the essay comes across as one sided. It does not accurately discuss the points of debate that have led to the development of the essay topic. Don't forget, the best way to strengthen your position is to simply weaken the opposition.

That said, pointing out the the weakness of the opposing side, such as saying "While others believe that the information contained by the internet is often inaccurate and wrong, have not considered the fact that the internet allows a person to do complete research and comparisons of opinions and essays from various sources in order to come up with an educated opinion. Therefore, there is no wrong information on the internet, only ill researched materials."

By the way, you should include information about how the academic community has helped the internet provide accurate information by creating academically acceptable websites that end with the .gov, .edu . org URL's. That is why the journals and thesis you find online become sources that professors welcome.

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