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Essay about interview in most large companies

klinh2806 1 / -  
Mar 6, 2024   #1
Interviews form the basic selecting criteria for most large companies. However, some people think that the interview is not a reliable method of choosing whom to employ and that there are other better methods. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, many people have to pass their interviews to get a job in large companies and it is an indispensable part of recruiting in most large companies. However, some people argue that interview is not a good way to decide who will be chosen, we should replace to other alternative methods instead of this traditional method. In my opinion, I totally agree with this statement.

On the one hand, interviews are useful to select people because pe
ople think that thanks to interviews, they could rate interviewee's qualifications and logic in certain jobs and know more about interviewee's thinking and passion with the jobs they apply. It would help employer to choose right people who are suitable for their job. On the other hand, interviews could not judge the whole individuals' knowledge or ability. Firstly, interviews are conversations between interviewers and interviewees about work, only asking some questions related to interviewees or the job they apply but not practicing. Therefore, it could be not realistic because employers do not know how interviewees work or deal with problems in real life, they just know these things through theoretic answers. Secondly, there are a lot of factors impacting on a good or bad interview. Maybe at that time, interviewees was too nervous to think of perfect answers or have a good ideas to satisfy recruiters, but in reality, they can do that job well. As a result, employer would miss the potential candidates for their jobs. For example, one person applies for technological staff position which is not required to communicate a lot, however, he is an introvert person and not a type of person who is good at talking. Although he is talented in the field of technology and could do all tasks related to technology well, the recruiters would still eliminate that person from the list of who are admitted to the company with just one reason that he did not perform well in the interview.

There are some better methods to recruit potential employees for the companies. First of all, employers can let candidates try doing some tasks for a few months. This is the good way to have a right judgment about job applicants because through the process of work and the way they face different situations, their qualifications will appear clearly for employers to see and assess. Therefore, those having potential for the jobs will be accepted to the companies and the companies will not miss any people who are suitable for the positions they find. Secondly, employers can find potential candidates through the internet or events. They will know many people that they feel are suitable for their professional work For instance, when you participate in some particular events or occasions, maybe you will find someone having enough qualifications for your company because you can see how they operate these events and their attitude towards work.

In conclusion, interview is not the best way to choose job applicants and there are a wide range of alternative methods to find potential employees.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Mar 10, 2024   #2
There is absolutely no way that this essay will receive a passing score int he actual test. You only have 40 minutes to complete your writing. The time allotment does not give any time to write a more than 500 word essay. You will fail the test automatically because you will have an open ended presentation. Remember that you have 1 hour for the written tasks. 20 minutes for the first task, 40 for the 2nd. However, you will not have a timer available to you during the test. You have to time yourself. Divide the writing time accordingly between the 2 tasks. Failure to properly allot writing time will result in an incomplete presentation, leading to a failing score. There is no way you can conclude a 500 word essay in 40 minutes. Not when you even have to review, revise, proofread, edit, and finalize the content within 40 minutes.
Catherine Frank 1 / 2  
Mar 28, 2024   #3
List your views specifically on your selection. Give detailed explanation on why you agree or disagree. Your essay talks about other people's views and opinions. Try to be more specific and stress why you think otherwise.

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