Location of schools
Location of schools is important thing to choose your schools. All schools have their own addresses and locations such as countryside, a center of city, or a suburb etc.
If you live in countryside, it has mostly one college, high school or elementary school. So you don't need to worry about location of schools in countryside. Schools of countryside are cheaper than schools of city. And small town or city is more safety and silence to study and live. But if you want to study in a big city, you encounter problems about location of schools.
Everything has advantage and disadvantage. Advantage of schools that located center of city is near to bus station and metro station. So you don't need to worry about how you reach your school; after class you are easy to come to what place you need to go such as your job or shopping. People who live in city are fashionable more than countryside people. You can see development of big cities. Disadvantages are more expensive than other rural and suburb schools, and school's environment is noisy. If you have a car, parking is expensive.
Schools where located except center of city are a lot of advantages. There are: parking is cheaper than other schools, and silent environment that is good to study, not much any traffic. If you live in around your school, there might be apartments are cheaper than down town's apartments. So you can save your money a little bit.
Things to affect in school tuition fee are out of district and out of resident. If you live in around your school, it'll reduce your tuition fee.
When you choose your school, you have to thing a lot of things about your location of schools. Example: tuition fee of schools, transportation, apartments which you will live and your job etc. If I would be in big city, I'll choose in center of school.
I like to walk and like to go by transportation I'm international student; I'll be come back in my country after my graduation. So I don't need to buy a car. So I would be choosing in center of school.
Location of schools is important thing to choose your schools. All schools have their own addresses and locations such as countryside, a center of city, or a suburb etc.
If you live in countryside, it has mostly one college, high school or elementary school. So you don't need to worry about location of schools in countryside. Schools of countryside are cheaper than schools of city. And small town or city is more safety and silence to study and live. But if you want to study in a big city, you encounter problems about location of schools.
Everything has advantage and disadvantage. Advantage of schools that located center of city is near to bus station and metro station. So you don't need to worry about how you reach your school; after class you are easy to come to what place you need to go such as your job or shopping. People who live in city are fashionable more than countryside people. You can see development of big cities. Disadvantages are more expensive than other rural and suburb schools, and school's environment is noisy. If you have a car, parking is expensive.
Schools where located except center of city are a lot of advantages. There are: parking is cheaper than other schools, and silent environment that is good to study, not much any traffic. If you live in around your school, there might be apartments are cheaper than down town's apartments. So you can save your money a little bit.
Things to affect in school tuition fee are out of district and out of resident. If you live in around your school, it'll reduce your tuition fee.
When you choose your school, you have to thing a lot of things about your location of schools. Example: tuition fee of schools, transportation, apartments which you will live and your job etc. If I would be in big city, I'll choose in center of school.
I like to walk and like to go by transportation I'm international student; I'll be come back in my country after my graduation. So I don't need to buy a car. So I would be choosing in center of school.