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Task - Are Macro-sports events good in easing international tensions?

Thomas1948 2 / 3 1  
Apr 12, 2014   #1
Popular events like the football world cup and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe way. To What extend do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Macro-sports events like football world cup and the Olimpics certainly bring people together geographically and spiritually through their massive impact in people's lifes. I personally believe that if they are manage cleverly with an empatic message, these events can definitely ease international tensions and help fans all over the world to understand each other.

It is important to comprehend that political ideas, which in some cases can be in opposite sides, are just one part of the people. All individuals have emotions and sensitivity, which guided with the right slogan of sports event, could drive them to know each other better, For example, an advert encouraging the gentle gesture of exchanging shirts after a football match may cause an slight change in the way on habitant of a country thinks about another from a strange region. Furthermore, sports environment envelopes players and fans in a healthy competition ruled only by rules and where anyone can win no matter the odds.

Another important fact to take into account refers to how competitors and followers share space. They are gather together from all the corners of the world and comprehended in a particular place which give them the chance to interact phisically and emotionally. For example, in the Olimpics competitors have to deal between each other in the locker rooms , restrooms, hotels and obviously during competition. This causes a diversity of perspectives to collide, or on the other side, create a more open mind to different views which can be greatly positive.

In conclusion, massive international events generate an atmosphere of feedback between individual from diverse regions around the world. Therefore, in my opinion, it can be very helpful to opne people's mind and unite them with right motive.
uzboy 9 / 29  
Apr 12, 2014   #2
Hi Thomas! It is not wrong:

Macro-sports events

another option: Mega Sporting events. I think to myself this looks like more beautiful.

the Olimpics

: Olympics

impact in people's lifes

should be: impact on people`s lives.

if they are manage cleverly with an empaticemphatic message

particular place which givegives them the chance to interact phisicallyphysically

This is all I can do for you.
eddies [Contributor] 25 / 1207 476  
Apr 16, 2014   #3
Let me give you a piece of advice :D
1. For the next essay, I suggest you to leave one space every time you open a new paragraph. Why? the first thing the reader sees is your layout, which shows whole of your essay. If the layout is difficult to read, which is let's say: no spaces between paragraphs, then he/she immediately know your writing needs more work to read.

2. Have a look at the

Well, follow this structure for your intro;

offered by Dumi. Also, I strongly suggest to follow this.
3. Before start writing, you'd better analyze the prompt in order to earn a good score for Task response, like this:
Statement: Popular events like the football world cup and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe way.

Task: To What extend do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Make sure you answer the task
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Apr 22, 2014   #4
It is important to comprehend that political ideas, which in some cases can be in opposite sides, are just one part of the people.

Your sentences need more clarity. This sentence does not give any clear idea to the reader.
Pahan 1 / 1904 553  
Apr 23, 2014   #5
I suggest you to leave a blank line between your paragraphs to present your essay better and impress the reader. Also, I find your writing lacks clarity time to time. Don't give priority to advance vocabulary, that can be very dangerous as synonyms often tend to mean something very different than you expected when those words are used in inappropriate positions :)

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