study reasons in various age
The bar charts exhibit information about what the main reason people study and how many supporting they receive by employeer based their age. Overall, both youngest people and oldest people have inversely proportion of reason for studying, and the more people get older the less support they obtain for studying.
The first chart shows that there is a contradictory trend between the youngest people and the oldest people. Career is the key factor why youngest people are studying. It could be seen that the youngest people has 80% of reason for career, and it is decreasing as they get older. Meanwhile, the oldest people is more likely to choose interest as their reason for studying. It is seen that the oldest people have 70% of reason for interest. Interestingly, both the youngest and the oldest group have an equal percentage of 40% when they occupy 40-49 age.
The second chart illustrtates that the youngest people receive more support by employer than the oldest people for studying. The youngest people get more than 60% of time off and fess for studying but it will be declining until they enter 30-39 age. In this period, they hit a low at under 40% but they will be raising again in the next age. Overall, a gap between the youngest age and the oldest age is by 20% of support.