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Media should be allowed to publish information about the private life: Discuss two different views

ah_zafari [Contributor] 40 / 672 148  
Jan 27, 2015   #1
Topic: Some people believe that media (such as newspapers) should be allowed to publish information about the private life of people. Others say that people have a right to privacy and the issue must be controlled or even stopped. Discuss both views.

Almost everybody is interested in celebrities' personal lives. People have an unquenchable thirst for knowing about their favourite singers' lives, as an example, where they live, with whom they have relationships, and the like. However, when we see the confrontation of famous people with correspondents who are trying to cover their private lives' news, we will find that all of them are completely uncomfortable with this situation. The question that must be asked is: how far can the media go in terms of featuring people's personal issues? Similar to many debatable problems related to the media, this matter has its own critics and followers, which both will be examined in this essay.

Those who proclaim the coverage of the private lives of people by the media, concentrate on the lives of politicians and artists. They believe that personal lives of diplomats are good criteria for showing how loyal they are to their slogans. For example, does president Obama, who claims he is advocative of gays' rights, really respect the gay community in his private life? If not, means he is not a trustable person. Moreover, they think that artists such as actors/actresses or singers are role models for youngsters, even though they might not really want to be a model for anyone. Therefore, a role model must be always be viewed and his behaviour outside the stage must be shown to the people who follow them to learn whether they have chosen a right person to copy or not.

On the other hand, we should not forget that people with newsworthy lives are human beings and they need privacy. Imagine a group of photographers, correspondents, and cameramen chase you everywhere 24/7, do you feel happy at this condition? This is a very crucial question indeed, because to understand the rightness of the media's actions towards well-known individuals, sometimes we need to put ourselves in their shoes. The critics believe that none of us would have positive reactions to the media if they do not see any red-lines for releasing the news of our lives. Nobody would feel he is at his home if a pair of eyes, named as the media, always records his life. Celebrities do their jobs and we need to enjoy what they do and question or criticize their works. Anything outside this province is in their own worlds and should be kept secret to anybody.

In my opinion, privacy brings us security. When we know that there is a place that nobody else has an access to, it pleases us and puts us in rest mentally. I believe that prominent people who are at the center of attentions deserve to experience this feeling too, since after all we are humans.

To sum up, news coverage of people's personal lives by the media has always been an intensely debated subject, which is defended or attacked. From my perspective, if we like to live in a society where people respect our rights, which our privacy is one of them, and feel calm there, the media should stop following private lives of celebrities and allow them to live their lives as normal individuals do.
vangiespen - / 4131 1449  
Jan 27, 2015   #2
Okay, first up, you were being asked to only discuss 2 opinions in this essay, the pro and the con. Why did I read a personal opinion in there? It was not asked for and therefore, is not a necessary part of the essay. You unnecessarily extended the essay content when it should have simply been straight to the point and discussed from a bystander's point of view. The decision as to whether the media should be allowed to publish private information about celebrities should have been left as an open ended question that the readers could have decided for themselves based upon the discussion of the two differing points. It is because of that deviation, and some simple grammar errors that I will grade this essay a 7 out of 9. Now, to correct the grammar mistakes :-)

Almost everybody is interested in celebrities' personal lives. People have an unquenchable thirst for knowing about their favourite singers' lives, as an example, where they live, with whom they have relationships, and the like.

- According to formal grammar use rules it is acceptable to use an apostrophe without an S to show ownership when the name ends with an S. So the method by which you used the apostrophe in this instance is in error since you used the apostrophe to create a plural form for a word or ownership in a word that is already in plural form.

- ... for example, where they live...

However, when we see the confrontation of famous people with correspondents who are trying to cover their private lives' news , we will find that all of them are completely uncomfortable with this situation.

gays' rights

You really are going apostrophe S happy in this essay :-) You will need to revise that due to the grammar rules I quoted above from grammarbook.com

On the other hand, we should not forget that people with newsworthy lives are human beings and they need privacy.

- We should not forget...

Nobody would feel he is at his home if a pair of eyes, named as the media

- ... known as the...

In my opinion, privacy brings us security. When we know that there is a place that nobody else has an access to, it pleases us and puts us in rest mentally. I believe that prominent people who are at the center of attentions deserve to experience this feeling too, since after all we are humans.

- This isn't really needed in this essay. Your opinion is not being asked for.

Home / Writing Feedback / Media should be allowed to publish information about the private life: Discuss two different views
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