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IELTS essay topic: Sharing of private information by the media?

mee_na_mee0913 1 / -  
Aug 14, 2013   #1
Many newspapers and magazines feature stories about the private lives of famous people. We know what they eat, where they buy their clothes and who they love. We also often see pictures of them in private situations. Is it appropriate for a magazine or newspaper to give this kind of private information about people?

Today, the number of media publicity about life stories of celebrities is escalating. Almost all people can easily acquire any kinds of information about them such as their lifestyle, family, as well as relationships. Concerning this, I agree to some extent that giving private information to people is justifiable due to several reasons.

To begin with, some popular people might feel uncomfortable to work when their privacy is gone. This is because they do not have something that they can hold on to. To exemplify what I mean, if some negative issues of a famous actor would be revealed, he might not have the confidence to face his co-workers especially his supporters. As a result, his performance at work could be compromised.

On the other hand, employees who are working at media companies need to earn for a living. In other words, getting information and informing the public about it is their job. Provided that they share interesting facts about well-known people, they might be given incentives at work. However, if such information would be kept, a lot of companies could possibly be closed.

Advancing this further, private information can catch people's attention because most people are very interested when it comes to personal lives of other people. One example for this could be the issue about the famous couple in the movie "Twilight". A few months ago, their relationship was broken due to a third party. Surprisingly, after a few weeks, they became one of the top searches on the internet which led them to be offered a lot of projects.

In a nutshell, although lack of privacy causes famous people not to feel at ease, I still insist that a magazine or newspaper should continue to issue facts due to the fact that the media sees it as their only source of income and it could be a way for some celebrities to become more famous.

Please check and if possible can you give a possible IELTS score for this essay? Thank you very much
justinjustinlee 1 / 2  
Aug 14, 2013   #2
Is it appropriate for a magazine or newspaper to give this kind of private information about those people
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Aug 15, 2013   #3
First, please open your threads meant for IELTS essays in the Writing Feedback forum. That helps you earn more feedbacks too :)

I think you need to improve your introduction structure.

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