IELTS Summary TED (v) Nadia Lopez Why open a school To close a prison
Nadia Lopez, an educator and social activist, said "I want to open a school and close a prison" which she cited from Victor Hugo quote. The implication from the quote is she wants open a new school which located in a place with high crimes rates in Brownville section, Brooklyn. According to NYPD records, Brownsville is a city with the greatest crime rate in the US, particularly in shooting case. Commonly, like other orphan schools, she also faces several crucial problems such as low parental involvement, lack of funding and finding educators. Moreover, bad environment and high crime rates also contribute as obstacles in her way. Not over in that case, her students also have several problems come from their internal problems such as more than a quarter are need special treatment, majority of them unable in English and Math and all of students living in poverty.
Nadia Lopez, an educator and social activist, said "I want to open a school and close a prison" which she cited from Victor Hugo quote. The implication from the quote is she wants open a new school which located in a place with high crimes rates in Brownville section, Brooklyn. According to NYPD records, Brownsville is a city with the greatest crime rate in the US, particularly in shooting case. Commonly, like other orphan schools, she also faces several crucial problems such as low parental involvement, lack of funding and finding educators. Moreover, bad environment and high crime rates also contribute as obstacles in her way. Not over in that case, her students also have several problems come from their internal problems such as more than a quarter are need special treatment, majority of them unable in English and Math and all of students living in poverty.