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Narrative ESSAY; UNUSUAL VOYAGE, Footballer, and Britain

ghokmen 1 / 1  
Nov 12, 2012   #1
Everybody takes a trip from one place to another with long-distance transportation such as buses, planes,trains etc. Sometimes during the trip; There may be some problems. Generally I have to tackle this problems. For example las Bairam I had lots of scary and tragicomic problems and for me those ordinary pronblems taught me new things. I mean I realized thet Murphy was right: "Anything could go wrong will wrong".

When I went to my aunt's home the last Bairam, I behaved like an idiot person. Because I had bought my ticket in the last second. So the bus was very old. That night there was a match of Galatasaray and the bus didn't include the TV. I really got angry with that situation. Anyway a short period of time later we had a break and I watched the first half of time match. Meanwhile Melo, who is Galatasaray's footballer, missed the penalty position and we finished the first half to succumb. Then the break was finished.After than till the morning 06:00 I didn't sleep even for one minute.

thenthefirst hours in the morning, after I had been waken up by the asistant and he said we arrived in Maras By the way i hadn't been in Maras and My aunt's home is in G.Antep. Finally i needed to go to G.Antep. Anyway I got off the bus and i took my luggage. A few minutes later. I noticed that Ihad taken the wrong luggage even i got off in the wrong place where is called GĂśksun. It took about 90 km. It was about to get crazy. After a while I went to Maras Bus Station. Than I sent it back to the original owner of the suitcase and i took my luggage again.

At the end of the trip I arrived in G.Antep However Ä°nspite of arriving, unfortunatelly travelling wasn't finished. Because as soon as I got off, i suddenly faced to calamity because of the rain. I absolutely got wet head to toe and i revolted everthing.in a moment i thought to get back Eskisehir. But despite everything i didn't give up.

Finally I arrived at my aunt's home and hugged my aunt and cousins. The experience indicates me that If you make a mistake, you will remain to make mistake.

happydaisy 1 / 1  
Nov 12, 2012   #2
Everybody takes a trip from one place to another with long-distance transportation such as buses, planes,trains etc. Sometimes during the trip; There may be some problems. Generally I have to tackle this problems. For example las Bairam I had lots of scary and tragicomic problems and for me those ordinary pronblems taught me new things. I mean I realized thet Murphy was right: "Anything could go wrong will wrong".

Traveling by bus, plane, and train is often an integral part of our life experiences. Like life, traveling is not always free of problems, therefore, tackling problem during journeys is also an invaluable component of the overall experience. The journey to visit my aunt last Bairam, for example, was brimming with tragicomic incidents, yet it was these seemingly unpleasant episodes that made my trip an invaluable learning opportunity. After all, Murphy is right: "Anything that could go wrong, will go wrong."

When I went to my aunt's home the last Bairam, I behaved like an idiot person. Because I had bought my ticket in the last second. So the bus was very old. That night there was a match of Galatasaray and the bus didn't include the TV. I really got angry with that situation. Anyway a short period of time later we had a break and I watched the first half of time match. Meanwhile Melo, who is Galatasaray's footballer, missed the penalty position and we finished the first half to succumb. Then the break was finished.After than till the morning 06:00 I didn't sleep even for one minute.

The trip had a bad start when I discovered that the bus had no TV. I was crushed and filled with remorse and self-abasement as it was the night of the Galatasary match. I have only myself to blame because I had purchased the bus ticket last minute. Thankfully, I got a chance to watch the first half of the match during bus stop, but the game didn't cheer me up, as team missed a penalty position finishing the first half of the game in succumb. I was so depressed by both the misfortune with a TV-less bus, and that my team has not performed to my expectation that I suffered insomnia until 6am the next morning.

thenthefirst hours in the morning, after I had been waken up by the asistant and he said we arrived in Maras By the way i hadn't been in Maras and My aunt's home is in G.Antep. Finally i needed to go to G.Antep. Anyway I got off the bus and i took my luggage. A few minutes later. I noticed that Ihad taken the wrong luggage even i got off in the wrong place where is called GĂśksun. It took about 90 km. It was about to get crazy. After a while I went to Maras Bus Station. Than I sent it back to the original owner of the suitcase and i took my luggage again.

To make matters worse, I missed my stop, G.Antep, and arrived in Maras, a completely foreign place. So I dragged my tired body and eventually asked my way onto a bus that was meant to take me to G.Antep. Getting off the bus, I hastily grabbed my luggage. This is the point where the least expected is mostly likely to go wrong, my luggage was mistaken back in Maras, and that I have arrived in GĂśksun, a village 90Km away from G.Antep!

But I suppose I was lucky enough to return to Mara, find the person who took my luggage and exchanged it with mine.

At the end of the trip I arrived in G.Antep However Ä°nspite of arriving, unfortunatelly travelling wasn't finished. Because as soon as I got off, i suddenly faced to calamity because of the rain. I absolutely got wet head to toe and i revolted everthing.in a moment i thought to get back Eskisehir. But despite everything i didn't give up.

Just when I thought the day can't be any worse, G.Antep was pouring rain when I arrived. Soaked from head to toe, I loathed and revolted my life. At the moment, I really wanted to return to the warmth and comfort of my home in Eskisehir. But I gathered my strength and refused to yield to cowardice, I must complete my trip.

Finally I arrived at my aunt's home and hugged my aunt and cousins. The experience indicates me that If you make a mistake, you will remain to make mistake.

Finally, I arrived at my aunt's place and engrossed myself in the embraces of my aunt and cousins, I felt more happiness than I have ever had. The experiences taught me that problems tend to come in sessions, but it always ends and are followed by unmeasurable gratification.
OP ghokmen 1 / 1  
Nov 13, 2012   #3
i'm really gratefull. I will take an exam and you almost rewrite my essay thanks a lot :) if i pass my exam it will be thanks to you :=)

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