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Naturan process - Erosion of a headland

Ilmi_03 47 / 69 11  
Oct 26, 2016   #1
The diagram below show the stages in the erosion of a headland.

A breakdown of the natural process of headland formation due to coastal erosion is presented in the diagram. Overall, it is immediately apparent that there are four primary stages which begin with rock destruction and cave formation. The following processes consist of the result of leaving top layer, stack and stump, subsequently.

The first sequence in the erosion of a headland is deformation stage. In this stage, sea wave which has different pressure attacks the less vulnerable area of the rock layer, and it results in forming a small cave. Next, the cave becomes larger and larger in size, before creating a various arch shape, such as Durdle, Door, and Dorest.

The further process is called stack formation in which sea water hits the arch's roof continuously. As the consequence, the massive roof collapses into the sea level, and it leaves a separated land in the ocean, called a stack. Afterwards, the water still erode the stack and the headland simultaneously, meaning that its length become narrower. Eventually, the process remains a small pieces of stump opposite the headland.

akbarmappiare 31 / 468 275  
Oct 27, 2016   #2
Hi Ilmi.
These are a few suggestions to improve your writing. Hopefully, these can help and finalize yours.

... there are four primary stages which begin BEGUN (make you sure that what you write is what you mind. You should make it passive word) with rock destruction ...

... top layer, stack, and stump, subsequently.

In this stage, THE sea wave which has (...), and it results in forming SHAPE a small cave.
... larger and larger in size, before creating a (...) Door, and Dorest. DORSET

... called stack formation in which WHERE sea water hits ...
..., called a THE stack. Afterwards, the water still erodeS the stack (...) its length becomeS narrower.
... remains a small pieces of stump ...

Note: Actually, you describe this well and systematically. I have found the good flow and the sense of this writing. However, you still make mistakes which you actually could avoid them. Please, you reread your writing before you upload in order to diminish your faults.

OVERALL, IT is a good job.

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