the future of printed newspapers in the internet era
Holding a newspaper, looking at the hottest news of the day while sipping a cup of coffee has been one of life's little happiness. However, owing to the development of technology and the appearance of the internet, people can get information from various means of communication. It is argued that whether humans will still consider reading newspapers as the main way of getting updated. For me, I strongly believe that the flourishing of the internet will soon make online sources a dominant place for people to read news.
Firstly, online news can be updated faster and easier to spread. With a computer, a journalist can finish an article and post it on the website within only 15 to 30 minutes. More and more people are using social networks platforms today so just by a click at the share button, news is spread all over the world in the blink of an eye. In addition, publishing online is more economical so a lot of press companies choose to establish a website of their own. These websites are user-friendly and can be included with videos so watching the news is more enjoyable and easier to absorb. Advocates of newspapers may say that there are too many sources of news on the internet that people can get distracted and sometimes end up believing the wrong information. Traditional newspapers however are more reliable as they are from official and big companies. This may be true but I have to say that these companies are now having their websites too. For example the new york times, cnn, bcc... and people can absolutely choose these official sites to read news so that they can avoid fake ones.
Another reason is that online news is super convenient. People can read it everywhere, at any time with nothing other than their phones. Especially, the majority of these online sources are free to access, in comparison with newspapers.
In conclusion, I disagree that printed newspapers would continue to be the most crucial source of information because more and more people will be drawn to use the Internet.Holt Educational Consultant - / 15585 There are several prompts in relation to newspapers and the internet that this essay could allude to. I am not sure about which of these prompts you are responding to because of the lack of the original prompt presentation. So I will just go along with what you wrote, basing my comments on the possible topic as indicated in your restatement. Which, I hope, is an accurate representation of the original prompt.
The first problem with your essay is the addition of information in the first 2 sentences of the restatement. This creates an inaccurate representation of the original prompt. You are expected to fully restate the original presentation without adding any irrelevant information as you did with the first 2 sentence presentations in that paragraph. The focus of scoring for that paragraph is prompt restatement accuracy. So additional information, just to make the discussion more interesting isn't required. If it is not related in content to the original discussion, you will not get additional point for it.
There is no need for the opposing discussion in the second paragraph. You should be focused only on convincing the reader that your opinion is the correct one. That is why you are given 2 paragraphs within which to present your supporting information, without having to refer to a comparative discussion. No comparative discussion reference was made in the original essay, I am sure of it. Therefore, the opposing argument does not help in this aspect. Again, it will not get you extra points.
The second reasoning is under developed. It lacks content, explanation, and justifications. It is going to further pull down your TA score due to lack of proper idea development. Overall, you did not do a very good job with this presentation. You should always make sure that you represent the original discussion points only. Do not add, do not discuss other aspects when not required, and always develop your explanations to get a better overall score.
Thank you very much! I am really appreciate that. You talked about the idea development and how i should focus on the topic. What about the vocabs and the words i used? Was the expression awkward?
Thank you
Hi, I am here to remind you that you have missed some commas, and I think it is improper to take it away:
This may be true, but I have to say that...
Besides, sentences here might have some issues, and I have revised them:
....these companies are now also having their websites.such as New York Times, CNN, etc. For example the new york times, cnn, bcc... and pPeople can absolutely choose these official sites to read news so that they can avoid fake ones.
Since more and more people nowadays are using social networks platforms today , just by a click at on the share button , news is spread can spread the news all over the world in the blink of an eye.
Hope these comments helps!