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TASK 2 - ONLINE DATING POSSIBILITY during this immense evolution of technology

faizunaa17 49 / 91  
Dec 1, 2016   #1
With the latest technological advancements, dating is now possible online. Would you recommend online dating for your single friends? What are the advantages and disadvantages of online dating? Site some examples to support your answer.\

The immense evolution of technology makes everything possible to do, by solely touching fingers in our devices. As a consequence, these days, we are able to find online dating providers. This phenomenon actually great for reducing single inhabitant's population in the world, but I will utterly not recommend this to my unmarried friends, because beside I am still single, it also brings many demerits such as lack of the real sweetheart's selves and earn much sins from our God, albeit it still has disadvantages like less costly, even can make relationship with more than one person.

In fact, online dating services have many users around the world, because they think it has many merits that can they got. First, it is inexpensive rather than having a real mate. For instance, they do not need to buy food, jewelries, or some presents, although sometimes they do it. Moreover, without directly meeting, their spending for fuel is lower than people who do offline relationship. Second, some people say that they can have numerous boyfriends or girlfriends through the social media application. It is really possible because they just communicate via computer screen, and they can easily deceive to their mates.

Contrasting with my previous explanation, the negative effects ultimately outweigh the benefit. The primary reason is because people are unable to know the real personality of their soulmates. For example, some users can fill the information in the website with fake data such as occupation, religion, and the others. Moreover, many fresh criminals are caused by the internet that were unprecedented before. Taken example of that, in my country an enormous number of girls are got sexual violence that is began with over interact in online communication. Another reason that conclusively notable is because dating can provoke our God for throwing people to the hell as their sins when they do it.

All in all, I entirely disagree with online dating because it has many inadequate impact, even it is forbidden in my faith. So, for all who still single, they are proposed to immediately marry someone who becomes the true love until make them flying together to the paradise.
Ikhlasul iman00 1 / 4  
Dec 1, 2016   #2
Hy freind,
I want to correct your error.
... dating because it has many ( Impact is uncountable.)much inadequate impact, ...

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