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An online dating? I would not recommend it to my single friends

Beauty17 56 / 88 5  
Dec 1, 2016   #1
With the latest technological advancements, dating is now possible online. Would you recommend online dating for your single friends? What are the advantages and disadvantages of online dating? Site some examples to support your answer.

Nowadays, dating online is a trend after the invention of sophisticated devices. Personally, I will not recommend my single friends to follow this way. Although the benefits of dating online are saving time, but this method tend to emerge an enormous number of fraud matters.

First of all, the convenient of life since people are accustomed use cutting-edge gadgets make plenty number of websites which provide online dating. They believe that from this activity they are able to meet their mate. Moreover, they do not spend much time to acquaint about ourselves to each other. Taking Sandra Dewi that is an Indonesia artist as an example. First time, she dated her husband from facebook and they started to online dating. Then, their relationship became more serious until they married. She told to public that she felt comfort when had dating online because she did not need to meet often and she was able to have long distance relationship.

However, online dating is risky. People are able to be victims of a large number of fraud problems. The users of dating online can manipulate the data about them and it culminates to crime. Based on the data of internet security agent in 2015, 78% of people ever experienced an offence from online dating and the highest rating was deception case. Therefore, I am going to give suggestion toward my single friend to never have a relationship from dating online.

To sum up, I believe that online dating tend to be at risk thus I do not recommend this way to my single peers. Whereas people can gain time from this method, a huge number of deception problems is able to be found.
ali26 1 / 5 1  
Dec 1, 2016   #2
... recommend my single friends to follow this way.

hay :)
I advise you to pay more attention regarding subject verb agreement

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