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In order to learn a language well, we should also learn about cultures. Do you agree or disagree?

huong186 1 / -  
Mar 31, 2024   #1
Many hold a view that accumulating knowledge about the culture, history and lifestyle of a country supports individuals to master its language. From my perspective, this opinion is completely sensible in the process of learning a new language.

To commence with, understanding profoundly the cultures of a nation can create an intriguing environment which fosters the passion of the language. It is undeniable that there is a wide range of complicated grammars, vocabularies and idioms which may make learners feel tedious and tired to absorb. Compared to learning a language by note taking, watching movies or reading news with personal favorite topics are more interesting, less challenging to memorize as well as can improve learners' pronunciation and intonation naturally. Because through daily conversations reflecting native speaker's lifestyle, people are exposed to a real environment to learn natural expressions. As a result, they are able to speak fluently and similarly to indigenous.

In addition, language is deeply intertwined with culture and tradition so that in many situations, culture knowledge is essential to use language precisely and suitably. Language is not only a tool to exchange words but also a means to express (convey) ideas, opinions and emotions. Many words have various shades of meaning and they may be overly formal or informal that create an awkward conversation or unintended disrespect .Thus, acquiring knowledge about the country and its people help language learners navigate social situations with appropriate language usage to avoid misunderstanding and offenses.

In conclusion, I strongly recommend students of foreign languages to learn about the cultures of the people who communicate the language they are studying because these factors are inseparable from language itself.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Apr 3, 2024   #2
There is an instance of a word choice error in your presentation. You used the word "tired" when you actually meant to say "tried". Be careful and make sure to double check your word usage as these errors will be deducted from your LR, C+C, and GRA scores. In relation to this discussion, you should also work on the conciseness of your sentences. You tend to be wordy where a simple single reference word would already be acceptable and be considered grammatically correct. You should also know when to capitalize a word such as Indigenous, when referring to people. You should also look out for your punctuation errors. You neglected to use a comma in several places of the essay, which would result in GRA deductions.
Jennieaufif 2 / 2 1  
Apr 4, 2024   #3
Hi there,
I think if you would like to refer indigenous people, article "the" should be added => the indigenous. The structure The + adj refers to a group of people having same characteristics.
chloepham 2 / 2 2  
Apr 16, 2024   #4
Hi there,
Your essay is well-written in my opinion, the idea is fully developed and some advanced words are used appropriately.
However, some parts are confused for readers and need to be clear, like you should consider use relative clauses in this sentence "Many words have various shades of meaning and they may be overly formal or informal that create an awkward conversation or unintended disrespect" can be "Many words have various shades of meaning, some of which may be overly formal or informal that potentially lead to awkward conversations or unintended disrespect" or when it comes to express a possible negative outcome, you also can use the conditional sentence.

Thank for reading my feedback

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