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IELTS:Parents sending their kids abroad to acquire good education. Good or bad trend?

devabe2005 46 / 97  
Aug 1, 2014   #1
In this modern era, quality education is very vital for everyone. More parents sending their children to foreign country to learn new culture and improve their world view. Studying abroad gives prestige in their home country. It will give pleasure and excitement for the students when they are study in the new country.

Children would receive standard education in developed country. They will be confident and take it as a challenge to study in new culture and environment. After their education, they will get high pay job and they can settle in that country. They are independent to manage finance as they have to pay their bill. Finally, it would be adventurous when they participate in new activity in foreign country. It is helpful to improve their second language.

Most of the students are face home-sickness as they are missing their beloved family and depression. More money needed for the education fees and living cost during the study which results in debt for the family. Some students will borrow bank loan to pursue their study. Students are distracted by the new culture and environment. They will addict to bad habits like gambling, drugs and alcohol due to misleading friends.

To conclude, studying abroad has both advantages and disadvantages. Some students will tackle disadvantages but others who might not able to handle all of that will suffer. Though Prospect live independent and face challenges at young age which will be useful in their life and have a prosperous and enjoyable life. Its disadvantages should be considered by the candidate before leaving their home country.

VadimKlimenko 4 / 10  
Aug 2, 2014   #2
I noticed that you change very often time scale of the ideas, which describe a person who studies abroad or the process of studing. I think that the most appropriate and easiest way to create logical story in this context is to write in simple present and escape future simple tense (They will be confident, they will get high pay job, Some students will borrow bank loan) as well as present continious tense (they are missing their beloved).

They are independent to manage finance as they have to pay their bill. The international students learn to manage their financial matters as they have to pay their bills themselves, while they study abroad. And even if they receive financial aid from parents or relatives periodically, the students have to spend money wisely and plan cash outflows for some period of time not to stay hungry one day.

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