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Writing Ielts part 1 - The table below gives information about the underground railway systems.

aibinh2003 1 / -  
Sep 6, 2020   #1
The table illustrates the data of underground railway operation in six urban areas namely London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto and Los Angeles.

It is noticeable that the older platforms tend to be constructed with longer routes, with the exception of Kyoto. They are also observed to attract a remarkably larger number of train users each year on average.

Turning to the earliest built subways, the rankings starting from the oldest to youngest are London, Paris and Tokyo, in respectively 1863, 1900 and 1927. While being the only one who dates back to the 19th century and covering a larger scale of 394 kilometer, the underground railway system in London serves the least people, 775 million in total, compared to the two counterparts which both surpass 1000 passengers. The latest of the trio is one in Japan being the most popular choice, whose customers reaching 1,927 million every year.

Conversely, the Undergrounds in Washington DC, Kyoto and Los Angeles are inferior in all the operating age, length and travellers. The first one is in the fourth highest position in the three criteria, while the second one comes in last place in both areas and passengers, at 11 kilometer and 45 million individuals respectively. The most recent system is in Los Angeles which opened in 2001 and interests 50 people per year.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Sep 7, 2020   #2
I will not review the content of this essay for now. That is because I want to call your attention to the main reason why you may not pass this particular section of the test. This is a 20 minute writing task. As such, you are only capable of writing anywhere from 175-190 words. You have written a 221 word essay. A word count that requires at least 40 minutes to write, regardless of the CBT or pencil test format. You have actually over written this essay. You have over analyzed the presentation and wasted valuable writing time on this task. Next time, please write using a timer. Set it for 20 minutes and make sure that you write the Task 1 essay within the allotted time. That should help you judge exactly how many words you can actually write within the time limit. Remember, the task 1 essay does not require too much analysis. It is more of a data presentation essay than anything else.

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