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The table below gives information about the underground railway systems in six cities.

KhoiNguyen 1 / -  
Nov 14, 2023   #1
The table shows a comparison between the six underground networks in terms of size, age and the amount of people who use these networks each year. It is clear that the three oldest systems are also the biggest, and they serve significantly more passengers than the others.

The underground railway system is the oldest network of the six, which was opened in 1863. It is also the largest network with 394 kilometers of route. While the Paris's network is just about half in size of London's one, it serves more than 300 million passengers per year compared to London's network. Although it is the smallest and the newest system of the three, Tokyo has the biggest number of people using its underground network, at about 1927 million passengers each year.

Despite having the biggest age of the remaining, the system of Washington DC is the biggest with 126 kilometers of route. The number of people used this system is also outstanding with 144 million people compared to just 45 and 50 for Kyoto and Los Angeles respectively. Los Angeles possesses the newest railway system, however, the smallest network belongs to Kyoto.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4835  
Nov 27, 2023   #2
May Ii ask where you got the reference for the underground network? There is no such indicator in the table that was provided. If you are using a reference that is not a part of the original presentation, the examiner will deem your presentation to be inaccurate. That will affect your TA score, bringing it lower than it should be due to inaccuracies in your presentation. Remember that you cannot make up information just to add to the importance of the discussion. It must be accurate overall.

Washington DC is the biggest with 126 kilometers of route.

This appears to be a contradiction in your presentation. You previously indicated that the London route was the biggest route. So this is another inaccuracy that will affect the coherence of your presentation. Make sure you double check your information next time. Do not exaggerate just for the sake of exaggeration. You have to make sure that you are presenting the correct information every single time.

Home / Writing Feedback / The table below gives information about the underground railway systems in six cities.
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