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"Pattern's of Medieval Life" - about the presentation in class

BBgirl 12 / 3  
Mar 10, 2008   #1
Pattern's of Medieval Life: What did you learn during the presentation?

First of all I have never taken a presentation to whole class for one hour. It was my first time, so I had met some problems to take it. First, the hardest problem was my language skill, because I'm an international student who is living in America for one year and half. So my speaking language hasn't been improving enough as someone who can speak Native American. I cannot read some hard words, so I scared how to get to students to understand my presentation. Second, I had to read and learn a lot of documents and pages because of the time to take presentation is a long and my chapter what I chosen was long too. But I had needed to take the presentation to confront to those fears and problems, and I did it.

My chapter's topic was "Pattern's of Medieval Life". My topic contains a lot of different themes and subjects. I tried to find more information from other source's to each theme. If it would possible, there was a theme that I could speak more than an hour; in other hand, most themes have very wide meanings.

However, those themes are related to each other, so it was easy to understand. They were many interesting themes what I didn't know. Generally, each centuries and years had their own leadership who were imperious and smart in the past c.a 500-1000. A leadership had own tribe or empire which had their own culture, arts, science and technology, law and literature.

My chapter's beginning is about Germanic tribes, and most interesting part was the Germanic arts, because there were so beautiful arts that I can't explain by words. The remarkable metalwork items found at Sutton Hoo were gold buckles, shoulder clasps, and the lid of purse designed hang from the chieftain waist belt. Those objects are adorned with semiprecious stones and cloisonné- enamelwork produced by pouring molten colored glass between thin gold partitions. Also, the zoomorphic (animal-shaped) motifs found on artifacts at Sutton Hoo. We can see it from the purse lid.

Another interesting part was the Germanic literature about the epic poems such as Beowulf. I searched about Beowulf from an internet, and I found a movie which called "Beowulf." The movie was presented at 2007. This movie is a little bit different the real epic poem and it was really interesting to watch. I could imagine well who Beowulf was, and how he was a valiant since I watched the movie.

My next amazing part was about the king Charlemagne, and his Empire Carolingian. Charlemagne was a person who was interested in education and the arts. He established schools at Aachen, in town centers throughout Empire, and in Benedictine monasteries such as that at Saint-Gall in Switzerland, where monks and nuns copied religious manuscripts, along with texts on medicine, drama, and other secular subjects.

One of his best ideas was built the Palatine Chapel at Aachen, Germany. It has been described as a "masterpiece of Carolingian architecture". Now it is a building of great historical, architectural and religious importance.

After Charlemagne's death, known as feudalism was originated in medieval society because of no one could lead to the empire like him. Feudalism was a medieval contractual relationship among the upper classes, by which a lord granted land to his men in return for military service. The feudal class monopolized land and power within medieval society. Serfs who were an unfree peasant represented more than 90% of total population. The serf was the one who did all of the menial work, and in time of war, was expected to fill ranks of foot soldiers. He was not trained in war, and most of the casualties during that time were serfs. The rest of the time the serf did all of the manual labor. Under feudalism, your lord had the right to tell you who you would marry, what you would do for a living, what you would charge, if you could have permission to even go to another place for a visit. Thus medieval society was changed.

That moment Christians and Muslim religions was strong in Medieval West, so the Crusades started. The Crusades were both a cause of economic revitalization and a symptom of the increased freedom and new mobility of Western Europeans during the High Middle Ages (ca. 1000-1300). Despite the failure as religious ventures, it has enormous consequences for the West: the revival of trade between East and West enhanced European commercial life, encouraging the rise of towns and bringing great wealth to Italian cities. Following it, literature's tone changed.

The Crusades contributed to the birth of medieval romance, a fictitious tale of love and adventure that became the most popular form of literary entertainment in the West between the years 1200 and 1500. Medieval romances are stories of adventure in which the chief parts are played by knights, famous kings, or distressed ladies, acting most often under the impulse of love, religious faith, or, in many, mere desire for adventure.

Moreover I learnt many things about Medieval Life such as how they lived, what they invented, how did they structure their society, and what did they compose. I'm glad that I gained many knowledge about Medieval West, and I was happy to take the presentation because of I had opportunity to share it for my classmates. So I did it to outdo my fears. It could little step of my life.

EF_Team2 1 / 1704  
Mar 12, 2008   #2

It sounds like you learned a lot from the presentation! Here are a few tips for you:

One does not "take" a presentation; one "gives" a presentation.

someone who can speak Native American. - someone who can speak Native American would be speaking Cherokee, or Navaho, or the language of another Indian tribe. I think you meant "a native English speaker" or you could say "someone who speaks American English."

Do not use an apostrophe + s to make something plural. For example, it is "Patterns" not "Pattern's" and "sources" instead of "source's."

Check carefully to make sure it says what you meant it to say. For instance, this sentence really does not make sense: "After Charlemagne's death, known as feudalism was originated in medieval society because of no one could lead to the empire like him." Your last sentence is also a little hard to decipher. "It could little step of my life." I think I know what you were trying to say; perhaps something like "It is a small step, but one which will help me in the future."

Good job!


Sarah, EssayForum.com

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