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IELTS: Some people believe that students should study a wide range of subjects. Others,

zhengda 1 / 1  
Dec 17, 2013   #1
Some people believe that students should study a wide range of subjects. Others, however, argue that students should focus on the subjects they are best at or they find most interesting. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

In China, students are forced to study a wide range of subjects in high school for six years and many are useless in later study or life. Some people argue that only subjects which students are best at or most interested in should be learnt. I would like analyze the both sides in this essay.

Most subjects are helpful to some extent in the way they teach some common senses in real life. For example, the knowledge about human's body from biology class is helpful when you take care of your health later. Besides, basic knowledge is necessary when you want to extend your research or career as many advanced technologies are cross-fields . Above all, people can only realize what they are good at or interested in after learning a wide range of subjects. However, all the above do not mean or require people to study deep in all subjects --- general concepts and practical knowledge are enough.

On the contrary, people may learn fast on the subjects they are interested in and make success in the future. For example, great scientists in history like Newton, Einstein made a big contributions to the society. Moreover, people will enjoy their work after school and do not intend to commit a crime. Therefore the whole society will be benefit from it. Finally, people should have rights to choose what they like to learn and work.

In conclusion, a wide range of subjects should be introduced to students which will benefit their daily life and future career. However, students should choose one or two subjects as their majors to pursue rather than study further in all subjects. In this way, it is more possible for an individual to achieve accomplishments and for society to develop fast.
Liyuan 2 / 7 1  
Dec 17, 2013   #2
Zhengda: At this stage you should work on your grammar. You make many simple grammatical errors and some sentences are awkwardly expressed.
OP zhengda 1 / 1  
Dec 17, 2013   #3
Thanks a lot.

How this sentence should be revised?
Besides, basic knowledge is necessary when you want to extend your research or career as many advanced technologies are cross-fieldedThis sentence is very awkward .

Besides, basic knowledge is necessary for people to extend your research or career as many advanced technologies are cross-fielded.
Liyuan 2 / 7 1  
Dec 17, 2013   #4
Actually, I'm not sure what you want to express here. If I must give a revision, it would be

As many advanced technologies are multi-disciplinary, students require at least basic knowledge in a few disciplines.
FrankZheng 3 / 14 7  
Dec 18, 2013   #5
Students will benefit from learning a wide range of subjects which can facilitate their life and career.However ,it is also true that they are likely to reach a high level and thus achieve accomplishments when their interests involve in.

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