Happines is not about related success economic but happines is depends or related for another people,dimensions feel happines someone its different for example "some people feel happines if they have buy a luxury cars, they can take the happines from 'satisfaction' another people for example a children they feel happiness when they buy some candy, only some candy make they happy. so thats happines is a fuzzy concept, different things to many people, to identify different concepts of happines and where applicable split them into their components related consepts are well being,quality of life and flow rishing.
Some people feel happiness if they have buy a luxury car - it's personal satisfaction
Hi Qara, the followings are my suggestions regarding your writing.
Overall, the flow of your writing is definitely confusing as well as its sense of meaning
There are some minor errors I found:
-happines is depends happiness depends on
-some people feel happines some people feel happy, Happy/adj./, Happiness/n/
-if they have buy a luxury carsif they have bought a luxury car/luxury cars
-a children plural:children, kids/singular:a child, a kid
Thank you. keep practicing.
Overall, the flow of your writing is definitely confusing as well as its sense of meaning
There are some minor errors I found:
-happines is depends happiness depends on
-some people feel happines some people feel happy, Happy/adj./, Happiness/n/
-if they have buy a luxury carsif they have bought a luxury car/luxury cars
-a children plural:children, kids/singular:a child, a kid
Thank you. keep practicing.