The table gives information regarding the percentage of national expenditure on different items in Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey in 2002. Overall, what stands out from the table shows that the highest percentage of food/drink/tobacco and leisure/education was in Turkey. While Italy was the highest percentage of clothing/footwear, Sweden was the lowest percentage of food/drink/tobacco and clothing/footwear.
According to the table, at 32.14% Turkey was the highest percentage among others in the expenditure for food/drink/tobacco, it was followed by Ireland at 28.91% which was around 10% higher than Spain at 18.80%. Next, Italy and Sweden had similar percentages of food/drink/tobacco at 16.36% and 15.77% approximately.
Moving to a more detailed analysis from the table reveals that Italy had the highest figure of clothing/footwear at 9.00%, whereas the percentage of the same categories as Italy are Turkey, Spain and Ireland having similar percentages at each 6.63%, 6.51% and 6.43%.
In addition, of all countries was under 5% The highest of leisure/education category was Turkey at 4.35%, while Sweden was at 3.32% as the second highest. Then, following this trend was Italy (3.20%), Ireland (2.21%) and Spain (1.98%).
According to the table, at 32.14% Turkey was the highest percentage among others in the expenditure for food/drink/tobacco, it was followed by Ireland at 28.91% which was around 10% higher than Spain at 18.80%. Next, Italy and Sweden had similar percentages of food/drink/tobacco at 16.36% and 15.77% approximately.
Moving to a more detailed analysis from the table reveals that Italy had the highest figure of clothing/footwear at 9.00%, whereas the percentage of the same categories as Italy are Turkey, Spain and Ireland having similar percentages at each 6.63%, 6.51% and 6.43%.
In addition, of all countries was under 5% The highest of leisure/education category was Turkey at 4.35%, while Sweden was at 3.32% as the second highest. Then, following this trend was Italy (3.20%), Ireland (2.21%) and Spain (1.98%).