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IELTS Task1 - Pie chart and table;Why agricultural land becomes less productive?

mcuong01 12 / 24 3  
Jan 22, 2013   #1
I have a problem with this kind of assignment. As you can see, there are two different charts and I have to write nearly 200 words to complete my assignment, which is not good for me in taking controls of time. Could you give me some advice on how I can make my essay more concise. (175 words at most)

The pie chart below shows the main reasons why agricultural land becomes less productive. The table shows how these causes affected three regions of the world during the 1990s.

The pie chart reveals that there are four main causes of farmland becoming degraded in the world, whereas the table reveals how land in North American, Europe and Oceania was influenced by these reasons during the 1990s. Overall, the biggest cause was over-grazing and Europe suffered more from farmland degradation than the other regions.

More specifically, 35% and 30% of degradation was respectively resulted from over-grazing and deforestation. A further 28% of worldwide land degradation was due to over-cultivation. Other reasons accounted for only 7% collectively.

These causes affected different regions differently in the 1990s, with altogether 23% of land in Europe, 13% in Oceania and 5% in North America were degraded. In detail, Europe has as much as 9.8% of degradation due to forestation, while impact of this on Oceania and North America was minimal, with only 1.7% and 0.2% of land affected respectively. In regard to over-cultivation, it is fascinating to note that it had any influence on Oceania but caused 7.7% of land in Europe and 3.3% in North America to become less productive. Overgrazing was the last reason which led to 1.5% of degradation in North American, 5.5% in Europe and particularly 11.3% in Oceania.

(199 words)

dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Jan 22, 2013   #2
I have a problem with this kind of assignment. As you can see, there are two different charts and I have to write nearly 200 words to complete my assignment, which is not good for me in taking controls of time. Could you give me some advice on how I can make my essay more concise. (175 words at most)

Why do you want to make it more concise? I guess you need to write at least 200 words and it is not the upper limit. Is it?

The pie chart below shows the main reasons why agricultural land becomes less productive. The table shows how these causes affected three regions of the world during the 1990s.

... great start; you give an overall idea about the illustration; Very good :)

The pie chart reveals that there are four main causes of farmland becoming degraded in the world, whereas the table reveals how land in North American, Europe and Oceania waswere influenced by these reasons during the 1990s.

The pie chart illustrates how the four main causes(i.e. overgrazing, over cultivation, deforestation and other) contribute to the degraded status of farmland in the world. The table illustrates that in what degree these causes have affected the farmlands in three different world regions (North America, Europe and Oceania).

I think you are in the right track... "illustrate/ display/ trend/ patterns/ graphical presentations" are a few key words that are commonly used in explaining graphical presentations :)

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