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The pie charts illustrate five sources of energy production in France.

LadyOfClockwork 30 / 101  
Jul 21, 2017   #1
The pie charts below show the comparison of different kinds of energy production of France in two years.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

most popular energy sources in France

The pie charts illustrate five sources of energy production in France. They are categorized as coal, gas, petrol, nuclear and other sources, with the years chosen for the comparative analysis being 1995 and 2005. The essay will summarize the change in the share of energy production from each source and make comparisons where necessary.

Overall, in both years, the primary sources in France were coal and gas, which together made up over half the production of energy, while nuclear and other sources generated the least amount of energy. In almost all types of sources, there was just minimum change over the ten year period. However, the share of petrol underwent a modest drop.

Coal provided 29.80% of energy production in the first year and the share increased to 30.93% ten years latter. Gas accounted for 29.63% and 30.31% of energy production in 1995 and 2005 respectively, placing it the second place behind coal. Petrol retained its position as the third largest source in 2005, though its share of energy production dwindled from 29.27% to 19.55%.

With regard to nuclear, there was an approximate 5% growth in energy production from nuclear. Its share rose from 6.40% to 10.10%. Other sources followed a similar pattern, their share up from 4.90% to 9.10%. Nevertheless, their contributions to energy production in France were still smallest.

I would be more appreciate it if you score my essay.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Jul 21, 2017   #2
Gang, I would like to applaud your analysis of this essay. Save for a very minor oversight in the second paragraph, where neglected to offer a subject for the sentence and as such did not really have a point to its structure and construction. It was supposed to say; "... the primary sources OF ENERGY in France.." That is a very minimal mistake that can easily be overlooked by the examiner with an analysis essay that has this sort of high quality to it. The observations went beyond the obvious and shows that you really examined the pie chart you were provided with and sought to find comparisons whenever necessary and relevant. In my opinion, this sort of handiwork will not score less than a 7. You have presented some pretty solid work here and I was hard pressed to find any marked errors in it. I am pleased to see that you have applied the lessons taught to you in such a manner. Keep writing like this and you will be sure to pass the test. Good job!
hi021132 6 / 11 4  
Jul 21, 2017   #3
Hi, I appreciate your essay because I think it is quite comprehensive and most of the main features are included in it. In my point of view, what can be added in the overview is that the ranking of energy sources didn't change throughout the ten years. I hope my opinions can help.
OP LadyOfClockwork 30 / 101  
Jul 21, 2017   #4
Thanks. Without your advice, I would never make such progress.

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