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The population numbers in three different counties in the U.S. state of Oregon over 60 years

nhatdeptrai 1 / -  
Sep 3, 2021   #1

Writing task 1: population change Line graph

The graph below shows the population change between 1940 and 2000 in three different counties in the U.S. state of Oregon.

The graph demonstrates the population in terms of three different counties in the U.S. state of Oregon over a period of 60 years, from 1940 to 2000.

Overall, It is noticeable that three counties' population in the U.S. state of Oregon experienced a considerable increase throughout the period shown.

In 1940, The Columbia county's population and The Yamhill county's population stood at nearly 25 thousands and 30 thousands respectively. While, The Washington county's population occupied the highest figure, at 75 thousands. Over the following 30 years, The Columbia county's population and The Yamhill county's population increased sharply to nearly 35 thousands and 45 thousands respectively. While, The Washington county's population increased significantly to nearly 125 thousands.

By 2000, The Columbia county's population and The Yamhill county's population had increased magnificently to 75 thousands and 90 thousands respectively. Whereas, The Washington county's population had increased considerably to nearly 243 thousands.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 14980 4813  
Sep 4, 2021   #2
The graph

What type of graph?This is going to be seen as a memorized or cut and paste presentation as it lacks a full image identification in the realaliment. It is a line graph.

in terms of three different counties

three counties' population

At some point in the summary overview or trending statement, the writer must list the 3 counties for TA purposes. The short information presentation is incomplete without it.

The Columbia county's

Just Columbia county. A definite article is not needed to identify the counties.

Review singular V. plural word usage. Reference should be made to thousand rather than thousands. Proofreading is necessary as there are capitalized non-nown presentations in the essay.

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