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IELTS WRITING TASK 2: Private car ownership has grown, led to traffic congestion

KenNgo 2 / 3  
Mar 6, 2014   #1
Private car ownership has grown grammatically in recent years. This has led to a rise in traffic congestion.
What could governments and individuals do to reduce congestion?

Growing car ownership has become a matter of great concern in the recent years. There are several effects caused by this adverse trend, one of them that interests quite a lot of government as well as people in society is traffic congestion. However, I believe, there are several measures to overcome this problem.

In today's modern society, a person who own cars is not a considerable thing. Along with this, related issues can be anticipated. To tackle these problems, I think the most obvious solution would be that government could tax car at a high level. The advantage of this policy is that the one who would like to purchase a car will have to consider carefully before they spend a large amount of money on this.

Another opinion is that government could make and ban enforces laws for these transport types. For example, we need to stipulate clearly that which streets the cars are or not allowed to run in. Besides, for the streets where the traffic jam is frequently take place, we might restrict an active time for these transports, especially, at rush hours.

Furthermore, traffic congestion could be significantly declined if there are contributions from each individual in society. Besides seriously obeying the traffic laws, each person could reduce their dependence on cars, instead they can travel by the public transports such as buses, train, ect.

In conclusion, various measures can be taken to combat the problems that are certain to arise as the ones who possess cars growing up quickly year after year.
niesaysi 16 / 290 85  
Mar 7, 2014   #2
The advantage of this policy is that the one who would like to purchase a car will have to consider carefully -- what is to consider about?

Another opinionAdditionally , is thatthe government could make and ban enforces laws for these transport types.

For example, we need to stipulate clearly that which streets the cars are or not allowed to run in.
Besides, for the streets where the traffic jam is frequently taketaken place..

Your essay is evidently short. Actually, second and third paragraph can be combined as one. I can't see any reason to separate them.You still need to present more specific examples to support your main topic.
OP KenNgo 2 / 3  
Mar 7, 2014   #3
thank you very much for your comment, Saysi!

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