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Process of making maple syrup... - IELTS WRITING TASK 1

Sid1316 2 / 3  
Nov 23, 2014   #1
Maple syrup is prepared from the sugar maple tree. It is a procedure that involves several steps. The sap has to be collected, boiled and prepared for distribution.

Firstly, the sap has to be collected from the sugar maple tree. This is done by creating holes in the trees or by tapping them and then connecting plastic tubes to the holes. Next, these plastic tubes from each group of trees are placed into a collecting tank. The sap drips through the plastic tubes and collects in the tank over a period of several days. After enough sap is accumulated, it is transported in tanks to the evaporator present in the sugar house. The sap is boiled until it reaches the syrup stage. A lot of sap is required to to be boiled since 40 gallons of sap make one gallon of maple syrup.

Further, the syrup is put is bottled into cans and then labelled. These are then delivered to the distributor for sale.
Rosette 1 / 1  
Nov 23, 2014   #2
your instruction are really good. but you could improve it, by adding numbers for each new step to make it less confusing
eddies [Contributor] 25 / 1207 476  
Nov 23, 2014   #3
Where is the picture? It takes some time to understand your writing if no picture/diagram is attached. Overall, this report is good. However, I didn't see an overview presented. If you have an aim to earn a band of 6 and over, then writing an overview is a must.

The sap drips through the plastic tubes and thencollectsis collected in the tank over a period of several days.
tiaDS 73 / 233 52  
Nov 23, 2014   #4
Maple syrup is prepared from the sugar maple tree. It is a procedure that involves several steps. The sap has to be collected, boiled and prepared for distribution.

Those are steps to write introduction in the writing IELTS task 1
a. What is the type of graph shown?
b. What is the data?
c. What are the units of measurement?
d. Is there a period of time?

Let me try to write introduction and overview:
The pictures describes about the process of making maple syrup and this process has several stages. It is noticeable that there are three crucial stages which have to be accomplished to distribute maple syrup in the distributors.
OP Sid1316 2 / 3  
Nov 23, 2014   #5
I tried uploading a picture but wasn't successful. Can you help me with the overview please Eddies.

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