outer space exploration as the priority?
In recent years, many governments have put priority on outer space exploration by investing huge amount of money to support spatial projects. Even if those investments will deepen our understanding of surrounding planets, I think public authorities should rather spend these financial resources to address critical issues on earth.
Firstly, human society is dealing with numerous problems that public authorities should normally tackle with. One of these problems is the lack of drinking water and sanitation which cause a lot of water related diseases. As a result rate of morbidity is increasing in some regions on earth
The global warmth with its disastrous consequences represent another serious threat public authorities should not neglect. More researches should be undertaken to find alternative ways to provide energy and therefore reduce our dependence upon fossil energy which is harmful to the environment. Also, an accent should be put preservation and conservation of threatened species for future generations.
Finally, unemployment especially among youth has become a great concern in many countries. Therefore investments should be made towards job creation and promotion of self-employment. To sum up, our governors should spend financial resources to tackle the numerous challenges humans are facing on earth. Only at this condition, our resources will be equally and fairly redistributed.