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Public museums and art galleries vs Computer - great tool, but can it replace personal experience?

Bunglon11 28 / 31 5  
Feb 20, 2016   #1
Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a computer.

Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

It is true that development of technology tends to lead people getting convenient in their activities including easy-access of information. While some people believe that modern technology can be used to see historical sites and arts in only in the screen computer which is possible to replace the existence of public museums and art galleries, I personally believe that their presence cannot be displaced, and it will be better to include the piece of technology for maintaining local sites.

The essence of museums and art galleries are situated in real condition and can not be switched interface in the modern devices such as computer or smartphone. This is because the meaningful of historical objects and art sites are not able to be sensated in the screen of the computer. For example, the portrait of Monalisa with its mistery may be able to be seen on the internet or picture on a computer, but the relief and the appearance cannot be enjoyed by only using a screen of the computer. This means that the real creations or man-made product cannot be substituted by modern devices.

However, the presence of technology in this modern era should not be completely neglected due to its benefit. To begin, technology such as a computer connected to internet can be used to browse the information about historical sites from different places even country. Not only that, online galleries and museums can be created which tend to attract people to visit the real place of the art creations to see directly the objects. Moreover, it can be tools to publish local heritage sites in the worldwide that is possible to introduce local culture heritage as an identity of a country.

Furthermore, in my view, it cannot be denied that the development of technology appears in human life to provide convenient in their activities like gathering news, searching information about arts or historical sites. Then, it can be used as an advertisement media to attract people visiting museums or galleries and it is not for replacing the function of museums or galleries.

To conclude, it is argued that technology tends to influence the human need for information including information of histories such as art and ancient sites by using electronic media. While some people believe that everything can be accessed by modern devices, I personally believe that the meaningful of historical heritage can be sensed by seeing directly.
indah_hai 19 / 38 4  
Feb 20, 2016   #2
Dear Bunlon11,

Well, I've seen your writing has well organized, but let's see to this paragraph
Furthermore, in my view, it cannot be denied that [...] for replacing the function of museums or galleries.
I think this paragraph doesn't need to include ....

This seems we are going to explain the technology used for: Furthermore, in my view, it cannot be denied [...] searching information about arts or historical sites

also Then, it can be used as an advertisement media (...) the function of museums or galleries
this seems a repeat from the first body; This means that the real creations or man-made product ...

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