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Public museums and art galleries will not be essential since such objects can be seen on computers

putri22 33 / 33 5  
Feb 21, 2016   #1
Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a computer. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

There is a controversial issue about the importance of historical places and art galleries in some people's perspective. They argue those places will not be essential since objects in the museums and art works in the galleries are able to be seen on the computer. I personally disagree with that statement because by using a computer to see objects in both places instead of seeing them directly brings more drawbacks.

To begin, it is obvious that museum is one of the places that can attract either local or international tourists in a country. Taking to the most visited museums in the world as the examples, Palace Museum in Beijing, China and Louvre Museum in Paris, France have 14 and 9.26 million visitors in 2014 respectively. This immense number brings advantages for the countries especially regarding their national income. If all of citizens tend to use a computer to see objects in museums, this trend will cause the countries experience a drop in their income from tourism sector.

With regard to art galleries function, a way to expose and give a tribute to artist's masterpieces is by organizing an exhibition in art galleries. In art galleries, art connoisseurs will meet their favourite artists directly and enjoying their art works. Also, it may allow them to buy the artistic works if there is an auction. These activities cannot be replaced by only seeing on the computer. Again, if the community prefer to see the works of art on the computer than seeing them directly, it will lead artists to feel that their works are less valuable. As a consequence, their desire to create a great work will not as big as they did before.

To sum up, I strongly believe that the existence of museums and art galleries is absolutely required to support both countries and artists. Some negative effects will be brought by only using computer to enjoy the objects. As an alternative, seeing such objects on computers can be done for a reference before visitors come to such places.
Diqon 10 / 32 12  
Feb 21, 2016   #2
I personally disagree with that statement because by DELETE #by as a PREPOSITION DUE TO A WORD #USING AS A SUBJECT IN THIS SENTENCE, it can not a subject if you out a preposition here ) using a computer to see objects in both places instead of seeing them directly brings moresome drawbacks.
Bunglon11 28 / 31 5  
Feb 26, 2016   #3
Hi Putri22 let check your essay

To begin, it is obvious that museum is one of the places that can attract either local or international tourists in a country.(it will be better if you give an explanation here to support your statement before giving the example )

This immense number brings advantages for the countries, especially regarding their national income.
... cause the countries experience a drop in their income from the tourism sector.

you have a well-organized essay, be aware of your explanation. hope it helps, thanks
anita11 28 / 20 2  
Feb 26, 2016   #4
... importance of historical places and art galleries in some people's perspective .

you did well in this writing putri, but i think you have to still write the disagree argument in a paragraph.

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