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Will public museums and art galleries disappear due to the rapid development of technology?

Linda91 30 / 40 3  
Feb 21, 2016   #1
Nowadays, it is the pros and cons that public museums and art galleries will disappear due to rapid development of technology such computer. I strongly disagree with this view, these building will still be necessary although people can see the art works and historical object from computer through internet.

Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a computer. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Public museums and galleries will be always exist as displaying art objects needs the real place. Looking art works such sculptures and images in an exhibition offers direct feeling because people see directly and they stand in front of art objects. For example, Portrait painting, Mona Lisa, if people visit Mona Lisa museum, they can see in real size of picture, texture and even touching it with their finger. As a result, people get detailed information about an art work that is done by an artist. Therefore, museums and galleries are the major places to display various type of collections.

However, Unlike public museums and art galleries, museums and galleries have a fixed schedule of exhibition and visiting hours. Technological advancement helps people to see an art works in a convenient way as they can look anytime and everywhere from computers through internet connection. People see virtual image on computers screen, so that they cannot catch the detail such texture and color. Also, sometimes most of picture do not have a high resolution enough, and then pictures become less clear. There is still different between looking art work on screen of computers and seeing it directly.

In conclusion, I believe that computers cannot replace public museums and art galleries.
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
Feb 21, 2016   #2
However, Unlike public museums

Be careful not to capitalize unnecessarily. : )

At the beginning of this essay you used the term pros and cons incorrectly. When you talk about pros and cons, you are talking about advantages and disadvantages. But at the beginning of this essay you should write, nowadays some people expect that public museums and art galleries will disappear...

Public museums and galleries will be always exist as displaying art objects needs the real place will always be done in person and not just through digital media .

Public museums and galleries will be always exist as displaying and display art objects in real space rather than mere images.

: ) Your writing has great structure, and you just have a few grammar errors.
putri22 33 / 33 5  
Feb 24, 2016   #3
it is the pros and cons that public museums and art galleries will disappeari think it is better to change the word into "not exist"

i think, since you disagree with the statement, it would be better if you give more detail the explanation why you agree than the opposite view. you can explain the reverse opinion briefly.

but overall, you did well :)
mita23 34 / 37 3  
Feb 24, 2016   #4
Hy linda. after I read your writing, I wanna give you some suggestions:

1. you have to concern on grammatical accuracy
a. it is the pros and cons
there are pros and cons

2. you need to arrange your sentence well in order to make readers understand
a. it is the pros and cons that public museums and art ...
>>> there are pros and cons of the phenomenon in which public and art galleries will disappear............
b. I strongly disagree with this view because these building will still be necessaryneeded although people can see the art works and historical object from computer through internet.

c. because people can see (see is a verb transitive which requires object after verb) them directly and they stand in front of art objects.

thank you

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