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IELTS - Rejecting job opportunities - POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE?

yirunli 7 / 17  
May 24, 2014   #1
Topic - Sometimes people are rejecting a job opportunity due to their age or other circumstances. Is it a negative or a positive approach? Give your opinion and relevant examples.

At present most people are suffering from lack of job opportunities, but some people are not willing to work and they reject job opportunities due to their age or other reasons. I think it is a negative approach rather than a positive one, because it can cause lots of serious issues in our society.

First of all, it is hard for people without jobs to afford their living cost. Apparently, our societies have to spend money on the welfare and charity in order to help unemployed people to sustain their lives. Thus, rejecting job opportunities can lead to more waste of public money.

In addition, a person rejecting a job opportunity is a poor role model for young people as his behaviour encourages youngsters to avoid working. For example, if a newbie encounter a difficulty at work, he will consider quitting the job as people refusing the job offer. Therefore, the amount of unemployed people may be increased and our economy may be developed slowly.

Admittedly, some people are not suitable for some jobs. For instance, people whose age are over 60 are not able to do physical works. Moreover, people with communicable disease are not allowed to work at some places such as kitchen and clinic. Hence, it is essential for people to reject job opportunities under certain circumstances.

To sum up, though rejecting a job opportunity for someone is necessary, overall it has more negative effects than positive ones to our society.
candy07 9 / 33 6  
May 25, 2014   #2

Good essay
The reasoning of first body paragraph is not very strong . Second paragraph is excellent .
There are some grammatical mistakes in the essay.
I am not sure that if you state your thesis in intro then you can write 3rd body paragraph contradictory .
Conclusion needs to be rephrased
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
May 28, 2014   #3
At present most people are suffering from lack of job opportunities, but some people are not willing to work and they reject job opportunities due to their age or other reasons. I think it is a negative approach rather than a positive one, because it can cause lots of serious issues in our society.

I think you follow a suitable approach for the intro.It should contain the features such as a hook, background of the issue and a conclusion. I have given this approach in others' IELTS threads and if you need details, you may easily find them :)

First of all, it is hard for people to live without jobs toand afford their living costs.ApparentlyIn such instances, our societies have to spend lots of money on the welfare and charity programs in order to help unemployed people to sustain their lives.

You write very well - good approach, grammar, vocabulary,ideas ... :)
OP yirunli 7 / 17  
May 29, 2014   #4
Thanks dumi :)

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