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More renewable energy sources are harnessed to generate electricity these days.

ryan31 65 / 95 15  
Oct 23, 2016   #1
More renewable energy sources are harnessed to generate electricity these days. What are disadvantages and advantages of this trend?

Nowadays, society tends to use an alternative resource such as renewable energy to produce electricity. This trend can save the fossil fuel usage for several years to come, it also requires a huge cost.

In the future, people can keep fossils fuel from extinction. This is due to the fact that society switches to use alternative energy as their main source to produce electricity. For example, a current survey carried out by the Japanese Government in 2013 released that using an alternative resource such a solar panel can push the rate of fossil fuel by 40%. Consequently, energy will be collected by the alternative resource to generate electricity gives a long-term effect on their circumstances.

However, citizen needs a lot of money to build up cutting-edge technology tools to generate electricity from alternative resource. The reason for this the equipment is hard to find out, even include rare items. Besides, only a few person can understand about making this tools. A great example for this is coming from Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry of China released the result of survey in 2014 that showed roughly 10% of people using alternative energy in their atmosphere. Therefore, it is true that only a few people who use alternative resource as main resource in their home.

Overall, this essay explained about benefit and drawback in usage alternative resource. The benefit of this trend is fossil fuels reserves for a longtime later, while for the drawback is the high charge to build up sophisticated tools to produce electricity.
kiki23 37 / 64 4  
Oct 23, 2016   #2
Hi! I have some feedback for you

Overall, this essay explains about the benefit and its drawback in the usage of alternative resource. The benefit of this trend is fossil fuels reserves for a longtime later so that using renewable energy will bring the new way to generate electricity while its drawback is the high charge to build up such sophisticated tools in order to produce electricity.

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