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IELTS TASK 1 - The sale of foods and drinks on a typical weekday in a coffee shop

madmoiselle 21 / 32 5  
Aug 12, 2016   #1
The sale of foods and drinks on a typical weekday in a coffee shop in an office building are depicted in the table. Overall, it is noticeable that morning is the highest sales time in all menus, except for the sandwich. Meanwhile, the lowest sales time is in the afternoon, except for the pastry.

It can be seen that coffee is the most favorite drink in the all time, particularly in the morning that sells until 265 cups and in the evening two hundreds cups. Then, the most favorite food is pastry which can be sold out up to 275 for breakfast time. However, people prefer to order sandwich for lunch and dinner.

In addition, the number of tea sale is extremely far different in comparison to the coffee. The highest tea sale is in the morning 110 cups, whereas the lowest is only 35 cups in the afternoon. Moreover, the sale of sandwiches is two hundreds lower in total than the pastry.

adepani3112 5 / 8  
Aug 12, 2016   #2
Overall , it is noticeable that morning is the ...

Try throughout the table, it is clerkly noticeable that....

Meanwhile, the lowest sales time is in the afternoon, except for the pastry.

Disregarding for the pastry
Ilmi_03 47 / 69 11  
Aug 12, 2016   #3
Hi Rere, :)
It is a great chance to give some suggestions for your essay.

The sales of typical weekday diets in a coffee shop are depicted in the table. Overall, it is noticeable that, with the exception of sandwich, the highest sales of all items is on the morning. While the afternoon experiences the least number, only that pastries.

Home / Writing Feedback / IELTS TASK 1 - The sale of foods and drinks on a typical weekday in a coffee shop
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