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IELTS Task 1 : Satisfactory level on fitness membership

SHanafi 120 / 414 93  
May 21, 2014   #1
The table gives information about the number of satisfactory on both male and female sports club member in terms of activities, facilities and opening hours.

Overall, the majority of females show a positive respond for the club's opening hours, while the males member' fell satisfaction for the facility of the club.

As per the opening hour, nearly three-quarter female are very satisfied. Such number is three times higher compared to merely 3 % of females expressing dissatisfied over the service. Meanwhile, male members are obviously less positive, with 37 % felling unsatisfied with the time club starts. In terms of club facilities, there were a similar number with 64 females and 63 males are stated very satisfied. By comparison with the moderate level being accounted around 20% on both genders, these numbers have almost threefold increase in the full loan expressions.

Fast forward to the range of activities, about 55 of men are comfortable with the diversity of activities offered by the club. It is eleven times higher than the male trend expressing dissatisfaction. However, in every level of satisfaction of club activities, the female responds appear the similarity at about 30 %.

dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
May 21, 2014   #2
The table gives information about the number of satisfactory on both male and female sports club member in terms of activities, facilities and opening hours.

... Your intro needs better clarity;

The table givesprovides information about the number of satisfactory levels ofon both male and female members onthree different aspects of sports clubsmemberin terms ofsuch as range of activities, facilities and opening hours.

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