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Scientific research today attempts to go too far. (ielts task 2)

aviniwirastri 10 / 35 11  
Mar 18, 2016   #1
Ielts task 2
Scientific research today attempts to go too far. There are certain things in the world which we simply should not try to understand.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

scientific research in medical, art and technological sectors is now becoming more advanced. Scientists try to invent a new method and sophisticated tools to ease human's problem. People try to answer every question that the universe has. It sometimes goes too far and tends to unworthy with what it should be. Unworthy word here means that something which we absolutely do not need to know. But my point of view is in the opposite, i disagree with the statement mentioned.

We human with our curiosity are natural. We will keep questioning with every new thing we find in everyday we live, and there will always be a new thing come up. But, in contrast, some beliefs attempt to forbid us to find every answer of what we think about. in some cases, the reason why a prohibition to discover something too far appears is that human, perhaps, will destroy the system already established and run. There will be no control about which can be done and which cannot. In another case, there is a worry about that developed technology will go to the wrong way. It will take control every aspect of human's life, which means what should be done by human is done by machine. Also, it can be dangerous if an invention that only a few people understand about is used to control and to manipulate others.

Whatever the negative impacts occurs, i still believe that we need to find solutions of our daily life's problems. How to make it? A scientific research is the answer. The measurement of how advanced people live is recognized by how developed their scientific research is. The more problems come, the more inventions are found.

To sum up, we do not need to worry about what negative impacts will occur. We can limit the risk of misusing science by regulation. We should also keep our principles that developing science is fine as long as it is on the right track, to benefit human. But the important thing is - that we need to be developed and the world is waiting to be explored.
Ssakshijain 28 / 146 87  
Mar 18, 2016   #2
Hi aviniwirastri, overall your essay was a good attempt. You used words in a very attractive style but I found it little bit confusing. I know the question is itself confusing regarding scientific research and the way you tried to answer it is a wonderful attempt. What you can do here is add relevant examples here along with your assumptions and that will make your essay complete. Because right now nothing is coming up from the essay, you write very good but lack of examples make it difficult to understand. What new things come up , what are the questions that are irrelevant to answer according to you? What kind of beliefs you are talking about here? How developed technology can go in the wrong way? Why invention is dangerous? What kind of daily activities need scientific research? Try to make your thesis statements clear with particular evidence. It can be your personal experiences too. Hope this helps you:)
OP aviniwirastri 10 / 35 11  
Mar 19, 2016   #3
oke, contributor. thank you very much. i will repair my mistakes and post it again.
OP aviniwirastri 10 / 35 11  
Mar 19, 2016   #4
We human with our curiosity are natural. We will keep questioning with every new thing we find in everyday we live, and there will always be a new thing come up as a problem. But, in contrast, some beliefs attempt to forbid us to find every answer of what we think about. for example, in North Korea, which is known as communist country, restricts people to use internet too often. we know that internet is an access for us to do a simple research instead. in some cases, the reason why a prohibition to discover something too far appears is that human, perhaps, will destroy the system already established and run. in order to solve the lack of electric power, nuclear is being researched. in spite of this, it can also be used as a weapon so that a limitation is enforced. There will be no control about ...
The Everest 4 / 3  
Mar 21, 2016   #5
People try to answer every question that the universe hasin the universe

But my point of view is in the opposite,I am of the different opinion i disagree with the statement mentioned.

We human with our curiosity are natural it is deniable that our curiosity is natural phenomenon

(...) The more problems come, the more inventions are found. You should add more negative points.

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