Some people enuciate the idea that governments should take responsiblity for conducting and handling scientific research rather than private organisations do. From my perspective, i entirely concur with this idea because of the profound impacts on the success and usefulness of the interference of authorities having.
On the one hand, the outright control of goverenments over the process of carrying out a research is of significant benefit. First of all, almost every scientific research requires an enormous effort to conduct, so the cooperation of various nations is of necessity. To examplify, in order to find the radical solutions to global warming, authorities of both developed and developing countries have to do research to deal with the environmental problems in their own countries. Therefore, such big research can not be performed well by a small private company. Additionally, only governments is capable of providing significant financial assistance to numerous numerous reseach projects. If one fails to achieve objectives, the government will have resources to cope with the losses incurred.
On the other hand, the main motive of the gorvenment for conducting a research is public welfare. As a result, if a project is funded and managed by a private organisation, its credibility will suffer from people. To illustrate, pharmaceutical companies may be carry out illegal research including unethical human experiment with regard to optimize their time as well as their profits without control and supervision of the government. This act of immoral companies can pose a serious threat to society.,
In conclusion, although there are mixed opinions on determining whether scientific projects should be taken on by the government or private company, i believe that putting the research conducting process under government control will be more likely better.
On the one hand, the outright control of goverenments over the process of carrying out a research is of significant benefit. First of all, almost every scientific research requires an enormous effort to conduct, so the cooperation of various nations is of necessity. To examplify, in order to find the radical solutions to global warming, authorities of both developed and developing countries have to do research to deal with the environmental problems in their own countries. Therefore, such big research can not be performed well by a small private company. Additionally, only governments is capable of providing significant financial assistance to numerous numerous reseach projects. If one fails to achieve objectives, the government will have resources to cope with the losses incurred.
On the other hand, the main motive of the gorvenment for conducting a research is public welfare. As a result, if a project is funded and managed by a private organisation, its credibility will suffer from people. To illustrate, pharmaceutical companies may be carry out illegal research including unethical human experiment with regard to optimize their time as well as their profits without control and supervision of the government. This act of immoral companies can pose a serious threat to society.,
In conclusion, although there are mixed opinions on determining whether scientific projects should be taken on by the government or private company, i believe that putting the research conducting process under government control will be more likely better.