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There has been a significant rise in the number of private cars since the past three decades

Ilmi_03 47 / 69 11  
Aug 30, 2016   #1
Car ownership has increased so rapidly over the past thirty years that many cities in the world are now 'one big traffic jam'.
How true do you think this statement is?
What measures can governments take to discourage people from using their cars?

It is a common believe that there has been a significant rise in the number of private car over a three-decade period. Consequently, most citizens are trapped on congestions for hours. I personally believe that while these statements are inevitable, the authorities can introduce some strategies to tackle this problem.

As the prolific number of private cars hampered in the road, people always suffered from traffic jam today. It is different with few years before, when people can travel conviniently. The recent study of Oxford University, which covered 600 participants from large cities in the world, found that two-third of them was accustomed to use their own car go to the office and college. Besides that, they acknowledged that those person spent much more time to reach their destinations due to congestion. All in all, it is reasonable to blame private car for this phenomenon.

On the other hand, government can force to establish strick regulations in order to minimize the number of people travelling by their own car. Firstly, the policy makers can increase taxes of private vehicles. Ultimately, people become reluctant to drive car and prefer public transport instead. Also, the government can introduce free-car area and free-car time. It has been proven success to practice in many cities. In addition, they should improve the condition of public transport to encourage inhabitants use this mean.

In conclusion, while the rise number of private vehicle is responsible for congestion, the government can afford many ways to cure this phenomenon. Moreover, inhabitant have to accept and participate actively.
Eric2750230 7 / 11 6  
Aug 30, 2016   #2
Hi there, your essay flows well from top to bottom and does have valid reasons to support the arguments though may be not the strongest one. To improve your essay you need to avoid careless spelling and grammatical mistakes and apart from that you need to use appropirate and a wide range of voacabularies. I would rate this essay on the band from 4 to 5 and not more than 5.

The few mistakes are as follows:

It is a common believe that there has been a significant rise in the number of ...

Recently, there has been a significant rise in the number of private cars since the past three decades, and as a result, there has been an increase in unwanted traffic congestion.

As the prolific number of private cars hampered in the road, ...

here prolific is not an appropirate word, an appropirate word would be perhaps incremental or augment

The incremental private cars hampered the flow of traffic, therefore increased traffic jam.

establish strick regulations ....

spelling error, the correct word is strict and if you want to let the examiner know that you have a stronger vocabulary then the word would be stringent or austere.

Finally your conclusion needs to be complete and strong.
aidafitria18 9 / 14 1  
Aug 31, 2016   #3
As the prolific number of private cars hampered ...
... from large cities in the world, (i think you don't need a comma here) found that two-third of ...
... those person spent much more time to reach their destinations ...
pebzna12 13 / 24 9  
Sep 1, 2016   #4
Hi again, Mi!

Be careful with minor errors as follows:

It is different withfrom few years before, when people can travel convie niently.

... accustomed to use their own car to go to the office and college.

It has been proven success to practice in many cities >> to be practiced

Hopefully it will be helpful, good luck Mi! (;

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