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Six prompts; Introduction and Conclusion only - IELTS Writing Task 2

somasalims 15 / 27 5  
Dec 17, 2014   #1
This is my first time to write IELTS Writing Task 2 (Only Introduction and Conclusion). If you do not mind, please correct me if it is wrong. Thank you :)

1. Some people think that it is more effective for students to study in groups, while others believe that it is better for them to study alone. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

In learning process, sometimes people think that cooperative learning is the best way to learn a subject, despite others have a different thought that individual learning is more efficient and effective. Therefore, I surely believe that each opinion has different perspectives.

To sum up, it is evident that both thoughts have different reason to support their opinion. It is imperative that teacher should choose which method their students prefer to use in learning.

2. Many criminals re-offend after they have been punished. Why do some people continue to commit crimes after they have been punished, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?

Criminals are really dangerous. Most prisoners perpetrate continuously even though they have been punished. To solve this problem, I strongly argue that there are many ways which can be taken.

In conclusion, it is proved that some measures can be done to overcome the problem. It is emphasized that government should be consistent to solve the trouble.

3. As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual well-being. What factors contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?

Job gratification is the most important thing of personal happiness in order the employees spend their adult time in their company. While there are many factors which can influence employees' satisfaction, all workers have different expectation about job satisfaction.

In conclusion, it is evident that employees have different reason about factors that can improve their satisfaction at work. Therefore, workers should share some of their time for their family.

4. Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Language is the most important tool using to communicate each other. According to scientific thoughts, studying a foreign language at primary school is more effective than at secondary school. While the notion has many positive impacts, I truly believe that the idea also has negative consequences.

To conclude, it is clear that learning a foreign language at primary school gives positive influence for students, however, negative effects must follow as well.

5. Air travel only benefits the richest people. The majority of people get no advantage from development of air travel. To what extent do you agree or disagree.

Nowadays, air plane is the fastest and the most expensive transportation. Consequently, the majority of air plane passengers come from wealthy people, and most of deprived people can not enjoy the facility. While some people support the condition as well as development of air travel, I truly believe that others disagree due to several reasons.

All in all, it is evident that there are two opinion about the trend, agree and disagree, followed by strong reason. It is imperative that air travel companies should cover all people, either wealthy people or poor people.

6. Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this. Discuss these both views and give your own opinion.

It is true that parents are the first teacher for children at home. However, many people believe that school is the best place for students to learn many things such as studying to be good parts of society. Thus, I truly argue that these thoughts have different perspectives.

In conclusion, it is evident that both opinions have different reasons to support their own notions. Consequently, parents should not only give some lessons about how to be good parts of society, but also take their children to study at school.
ayulia 3 / 8 1  
Dec 17, 2014   #2
Language is the most important toolsusing to communicate witheach other.
PJmustbebetter 6 / 8  
Dec 17, 2014   #3
To conclude, it is clear that learning a foreign language at primary school gives positive influence for students, however, negative effects must follow as well .

What do you mean that in the read one statement?
OP somasalims 15 / 27 5  
Dec 18, 2014   #4
Thanks all.

Puji, 'negative effects must follow as well' means that there must be a negative effects after that.
mkthanh 1 / 1  
Dec 18, 2014   #5
don't use these phrases
When writing a conclusion for task 2, I always start with the words "In conclusion". There's no reason why you should learn any alternatives.

Here are some phrases that I would not use:
All things considered
To sum up
In summary
To summarize
In short
In a nutshell
To put it in a nutshell
Phrases 1 to 5 are acceptable, but I still wouldn't use them myself.
Don't use any phrase containing the word "nutshell". 6 and 7 are not appropriate for an academic essay

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