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SMOKERS LEAVE THE BUILDINGS when they need to smoke, due to strict regulations

ryan31 65 / 95 15  
Oct 22, 2016   #1
In some countries it is now illegal to smoke in public places. It is only fair that people who wish to smoke should have to leave the building. Do you agree or disagree?

A strict regulation about smoking has been made in several countries to prohibit smoking in public places, as such smokers who want to smoke should be leaving the building. This essay would totally agree with such a notion because this policy creates comfort circumstances and prevent people from suffering serious disease.

One of the reasons for supporting this policy is that the comfortable environment can be created. This is because the workers are afraid of the punishment, forcing them to leave the crowded spot. For instance, a current survey carried out by several workers when they work in the workplace in 2010 showed that they feel satisfied with the rule banning the smokers being fitting with the society as convenient environment was created. It is true that healthy environment can be kept by applying this policy.

Apart from the previous discussion, city-settlers are prevented from acute disease. The reason for this is that cigarette smoke containing chemical substance is free from the public place, leaving for fresh air inhaled by people. For example, a current report from health ministry of Indonesia said that several breakthroughs made by local government to ban smokers from accessing public place lead to the decrease of ill people at the hospital. By the fact, it is true that more inhabitants are healthy because of this regulation.

In conclusion, this essay supports the idea that comfortable atmosphere and minimize the dangerous illness will be created by a firm rule about prohibition for smoking in the public space. I hope that this regulation have to applied in the whole companies.
asmaraj96 9 / 11  
Nov 11, 2016   #2
Hi @rian31,

Here few corrections on your essay:

1. ... smoking in public places, as such smokers who ...
2. ... accessing public place lead to thein order to decrease of ill people at the hospital.

Hope those corrections are useful and keep writing :)

Home / Writing Feedback / SMOKERS LEAVE THE BUILDINGS when they need to smoke, due to strict regulations
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