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Social Life in Apartment Buildings - IELTS Writing Task 2

ochio 13 / 10 5  
Oct 11, 2015   #1
Some people say that living in a high-rise apartment block is a lonely experience because there is no community spirit. Others say that people who live in high-rise apartments have a much better sense of community than those who live in houses.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Living in residential tower is arguable. Despite of some opinions say that living in tower block could isolate residents from the community, many people believe that people who live in apartment tower have a feeling of belonging to community better than those who live in complex houses. In this essay, I will look at some of the arguments for and against living in block of flats.

People have several arguments against living in a high-rise building block. People have several arguments against living in a high-rise building block. They say it is not the best choice to develop social life by dwelling in apartment complex. Living in tower block require less commitment by the inhabitants. As a result, the tenants disassociate themselves from the society. In addition, they tend to live individually and lack of communication among their neighbors. It surely causes a lonely experience for the dwellers.

However, some people do not agree with those statements. In their point of view, actually residing in a flat could be a good option for people who like to socialise more. For example, a conversation started with a simple hello, turns into a long hours communication. Furthermore, residents tend to meet different kind of people, so there are higher chances to build social skills.

To conclude, although some people argue that dwellers of apartment building would feel lonely because of poor communication with neighborhood, I would agree that actually living in the tower block is more effective to develop social life because the tenants have more chance to encounter more different type of people.
Outlooker 2 / 2  
Oct 11, 2015   #2
Your whole first paragraph needs to be re-written. Your first sentence "Living in residential tower is arguable" is confusing; what are you trying to say? Perhaps you could say something like "It's arguable whether living in a residential tower leads to the kind of community spirit as a house". Your first paragraph, in essence, repeats the prompt. Instead, your first paragraph should give an intro sentence, provide a brief introduction of your argument, and end with a thesis statement.
Takeiteasy 5 / 12 6  
Oct 12, 2015   #3
Hi Ochio. I like the overall structure of your essay. It is very clear and easy to follow. However, here is something you might want to improve a bit. I found the terms you used a little confusing. Throughout the essay, you have used residential tower, tower block, apartment tower, blocks of flats, high-rise building a block, apartment complex and so on to refer to the apartment building. While avoiding repetition is certainly important in English writing, being consistent is important as well. You may have used this,that, it, that type of building, and more complex sentence structures instead. That way, you could achieve variety and avoid confusion at the same time.
Samuelsam123 12 / 46 20  
Oct 13, 2015   #4
Hi there,

First of all , good effort!

But I would suggest that since this is an argumentative essay, it is good not to put this
: In this essay, I will look at some of the arguments for and against living in block of flats.

This lowers down the standard of your essay . ( according to the marking scheme )

Second, this essay requires your OWN opinion. So having said that, try putting "their" views into yours .
For example : " Many people say that living in an apartment complex isolates the communications and relationships. Well, I agree . ....

This can also apply on the opposition point of view.
"Yet, Many also claim that ... This I cannot agree. "

It would better to pick a stand at the end.

But your info and points are good. Add some evident to your responding points.
lldharu - / 1  
Oct 13, 2015   #5
Hi . .
Honestly, you have abundant lexical resources, I mean vocabulary. But in IELTS Writing Task 2 the important thing is not only that but also task achievement and Coherent, Cohesion.

your grammatical range and accuracy also should be taken into account.

Despite, it cannot be used to full sentence. Despite + noun. In spite of + of + noun
if you wanna show full sentence you should use although, even though, etc
It is crucial mistake because you write in first sentence and it will be first impression.

Your coherent and cohesion also, it is not as easy as using moreover, in addition, etc
you should show coherent sentence such as this, this case, etc to avoid repetition.
eddies [Contributor] 25 / 1207 476  
Nov 7, 2015   #6
In this essay, I will look at some of the arguments for and against living in block of flats.

This is good. However, you need to show that you have very strong argument(s). To do so, presenting an outline prior to ending the intro is a worthwhile idea. But nevertheless, some students failed to present such a way. Let me give a try for the intro ;

Living in residential tower is arguable. Despite of some opinions ...
People have different preferences where to live. It is believed that living in a tall apartment block offers lonesome experience. This seems to be true but nevertheless, others argue that people living such a place are more likely to build close-knit community compared to ones who are in residential houses. Therefore, I would argue that apartment blocks offers more comfortable ambiance

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