Summary of TED how speak so that people want to listen (julian Treasure)
Many social-related problem being rushing up if somebody speaking is ignored by college whom they speak to. They sometimes become frustrate because of no any respond, evenmore for several number of people are squeezed by they sorrounding out. Based on Julian Tresure, the chair of the Sound Agency, some factors can trigger by their self including gosip, judging, negativity, complaining, excuses, lying and dogmatism. Those self problems can be solved by transforming personality into HAIL (Honest, authenticity, integrity and love). and forthermore, by organizing or maintaining your speak whether you want to conditionate the atmosphere of your voice such as, volume, rhyme, empisize and nuance.
Many social-related problem being rushing up if somebody speaking is ignored by college whom they speak to. They sometimes become frustrate because of no any respond, evenmore for several number of people are squeezed by they sorrounding out. Based on Julian Tresure, the chair of the Sound Agency, some factors can trigger by their self including gosip, judging, negativity, complaining, excuses, lying and dogmatism. Those self problems can be solved by transforming personality into HAIL (Honest, authenticity, integrity and love). and forthermore, by organizing or maintaining your speak whether you want to conditionate the atmosphere of your voice such as, volume, rhyme, empisize and nuance.