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Sports and social activities can offer the same significant things that classes and libraries offer

chxz1020 5 / 14  
Sep 4, 2011   #1
Agree or disagree:At universities and colleges, sports and social activities are just as important as classes and libraries and should receive equal financial support.

The debate about the importance of sports and social activites in students' lives has been continuing for a long time.While many universities and colleges are raising funds for many kinds of curriculums, some people think that sports and social activities are equally important as classes and libraries and should receive equal financial support. It is not surprising because activities do offer students a lot of advantages that are as important as those offered by classes and libraries.

First, activites let students make more friends. In classes, students spend most time listening to the professor. They don't have much talk with each other, so they are not likely to develop good friendship. In activities, however, students do all the things together, so it is a great opportunity to get familiar with each other and eventually, become great friends. Moreover, activies like football and basketball require team work. Then students who take part in these activities will learn the significance of collaboration. Just like the precious knowledge that students learn from classes, friendship and collaboration can guarantee students a bright future.

Second, activities expand students' experience. Before students enter into the society, they have been studying for 16 years but still lack of experience on things that are not associated with study. For example, most students don't know how to persuade customers to buy their products. However, if they took part in social activities, they would know some skills on talking and making good first appearance. Then they would learn part of the art of persuasion from their experiences. Most people spend their lives working with other people, so it is very important to learn the art of communication with people as early as possible. Classes provide students the opportunity to understand the world through books, however, social activities let students know the world better through valuable experiences.

Since sports and social activities can offer the same significant things that classes and libraries offer, both of them should be paid equal attention and receive equal financial support..
EF_Susan - / 2364 12  
Sep 5, 2011   #2
The debate about the importance of sports and social activites in students' lives has been continuing for a long time.While ---Don't forget to always leave a space between sentences!--- many universities and colleges are raising funds for many kinds of curriculums, some people ...

First, activities let students make more friends.

In classes, students spend most of their time listening to the professor.

They don't have much time to talk with each other, so they are not likely to develop good friendships .

Moreover, activities like football and basketball require team work.

ThenS tudents who take part in these activities will learn the significance of collaboration.

Second, activities expand students' experience.---You should write 'sports and other social activities'.

Before students enter into the society, they have been studying for 16 years but still lack of experience on things that are not associated with study.

However, if they took part in social activities, they would know some skills on talking and making a good first impression .

Then they would learn part of the art of persuasion from their experiences.---Also teamwork.

I agree with you! Have fun in school and good luck!

OP chxz1020 5 / 14  
Sep 6, 2011   #3
Thank you sooooooooooo much for your help!!! I think I was a little bit rush while typing~~
abc1400 17 / 32  
Sep 6, 2011   #4
I think your introduction and conclusion are too short!
OP chxz1020 5 / 14  
Sep 6, 2011   #5
Yes, I aware of that~~but could you please tell me how to write a good conclusion to this essay. I'm not good at writing~~

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