Diffrences in town during years
The map provides a breakdown information of American-Town Alteration between 1948 and 2010. Overall, it could be divided in two sides under consideration were in the right and left side of canal.
The first image in 1948 shows that there were many residential houses between local supermarket and park. Meanwhile, factories were located beside the park, and patrol station was opposite of the road. However, in the right side of canal, church was opposite of the local supermarket.
By comparison, the second map in 2010 illustrates that there was a dramatic growth in the number of commercial buildings. Local supermarket was turned into commercial buildings and it was been relocated in the middle of town. Furthermore, factories disappeared and it transformed into airport. On the other hand, in the right side of canal, the church had changed into sports stadium.There were only petrol station and residential houses which had not shifted over a 6-decade period.