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Every student should be encouraged, regardless his achivement

amrillahmk 29 / 47 6  
Oct 26, 2016   #1
Some teachers tend to reward students who achieve high academic results. Others, however, support and reward students show the most improvement.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

Students achieving great score in academic results, believed by some people, should be awarded while others assume students who display significant improvement related to their academic history are prioritised. I firmly believe both of them should be conducted in balance, regardless whether they show high academic results or most enhancement. This will make students motivated to learn, which is good for their academic development.

On one hand, students who are rewarded due to their high academic achievement will feel elated and respected because they think what they have done in school is not in vain and is valued by their teachers. For example, when one student gets first rank in class and then the teachers give them a present, it will bring out what best in them and they would be more confindent about themselves so that they could maintain their achievements.

Turning to the next idea, students showing impressive improvement regarding to their educational process should be supported as well. This matter will encourage them to learn from their mistakes and it will make the students realise that they could be as smart as another student if they strive maximally. For instance, if students get bad score, but they try to change it by learning consistently in the next days, teachers should also appreciate them. Because sometimes, it is not about merely the good academic record, but it is all about the progress that students made.

To sum up, both students in those categories should be rewarded and encouraged so as to maintain their academic record. By doing as such, students are more likely to stay motivated in the learning process so that it will be benefits them more. In addition, it will make them believe in themselves at the same time.
collegebound28 13 / 22  
Oct 26, 2016   #2
... improvement related to their academic history are the ones who should be rewarded.

I firmly believe their is an argument to be made that both groups of students should be rewarded for their efforts, regardless whether they show high academic results or improvement.

... student gets first rank in class and then the teachers give them a present, it will encourage students to continue their hard work in class.

This matter will encourage them (...) be as smart as another student if they strive for it.

... but they try to change it through hard work, teachers should also appreciate them.
... about the progress that students make.

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