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Students should be allowed to study whatever they like

amrillahmk 29 / 47 6  
Nov 9, 2016   #1
Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

The debatable issue whether or not students should learn whatever they fond of still occurs presently. It is believed by some people that students should merely study about science and technology in the university because such subjects will be more worthwhile in the years to come, while others assume that it depends on what subjects students like the most. My position is that I am in favor of students should be permitted to learn whatever they are keen on owing to numerous reasons, such as educational cause and passion.

With regards to learning science and technology, the supporters of this notion believe these courses will be more useful due to being easier to land a job when they are mature. This is because in the years to come, it is expected that a chance for getting an occupation from these fields will be higher than other fields of studies. This is also supported by an evidence, in which the advancement of technology are still progressing in the current circumtances.

However, I would argue that the purpose of education is not only to get a job, but also to educate people. Thus, when university only focuses on producing workers, then it is not education at all. As such, the freedom for taking decision to study should be given to students, because the students have rights to create their own future. I also believe whatever subjects students choose, it will be useful in the future. Taking my friend named Anggita as an example, she was forced by her parents to take a major in technology-related subject, which is computer science, and she did not like about it. What happened next was that she rarely attended the class and preferred for attending another class that she loved because her passion was in art. She decided to leave computer science and changed her subjects to art studies. In fact, she currently becomes one of the most favorite actress in Indonesia.

To sum up, the students have rights to opt what subjects they are interested in, because whatever major they take, I personally believe that it will be useful in the future. In fact, the progress of science occurs due to freedom of expression, in which everyone is free to conduct its life as his wanted.
m7mdbsheer 6 / 7 1  
Nov 9, 2016   #2
The debatable issue of whether or not ...

... everyone is free to conduct their life as they wanted .

I think it would be better if you just restate your opinion in the conclusion, without adding any new facts or more details. So the last sentence isn't necessary, or you should add it in the main paragraphs.
Hujjatul19 45 / 70 3  
Nov 10, 2016   #3
Hi Amrillah, here is some suggestions for you

... on what subjects that students like the most.

With regards to learning science and technology, ...
This is because in the years to come(you've already used those words, it may be varied byfuture,

... progressing in the current circumtancescircumstances.

Best Regards

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