advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad
Studying abroad refers to studying overseas in a university for a specific period of time. Nowadays, many students attempt to study abroad in foreign countries. This essay is going to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.
To begin with the positive points. Firstly, studying abroad allow the students to be more independent. For example, students will look after themselves and their affairs. Secondly, it will improve their communication skills. For instance, students can learn how to interact with other people, and talk English fluently. Lastly,
Moving onto the negative points. First, it requires a lot of money. In this regards,
I'm not sure about the ideas. i"m really terrible making ideas.
i just need some ideas for advantages and disadvantages (180 words )You need to write a captivating introduction and a conclusion to catch the attention of the reviewer. Numbering points in an essay make it look dull. The best approach is to expand your points into paragraphs
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15585 Hussain, you just need to learn how to brainstorm for ideas regarding given topics. For this essay, you could have thought about how you would benefit from studying abroad. If you were a student looking to study in a foreign country, what would have been your reasons for doing so? What excited you the most about this idea? What do you think you would miss the most about home during that time? These are guide questions that can help you develop your response to such an essay prompt. Remember, brainstorming for these ideas are best done on a personal level if and when you are not familiar with the popular opinion regarding the topic. For this topic, I would have discussed only one specific merit and one specific demerit because of the 180 word limitation. That way, you only have to think of one idea per discussion provided. So for the merit, I would discuss how studying abroad helps a student to become self reliant and resilient. For the demerit, I would explain how culture shock could make it difficult for a student to adjust to his new learning and living environment without his family there to support him.
some corrections are bellow
Studying abroad refers is a lucrative way to studying educate those who have no proper facilities in thier home country.overseas in a ... of time. Nowadays, For this a number of many students attempt to study abroad in foreign countries. This essay is going to talk will discuss about the advantages ...
i think you need first read more and more sample answer before writing.