should students have a part-time job?
As a student, the study is always the most significant. Nonetheless some students in the present-day choose to go into a novelty way which is taking a part-time job parallel to the academic one I totally support this idea
To begin with having a part-time job (maybe a winter sells man shove assistant job) is ample and valuable opportunities for students to apply what they've learned to the reality. The knowledge, if we don't use it, it is very likely to slip out of our mind but once we practise, it will come out of its theoretical sell and become our own intelligence. To illustrate, being a salesman will teach students how to get their thought across to give a fluent and riveting presentation which is the thing that school teaches them skin-deeply
Next, the part-time job will brushes up on a student's soft skill and therefore help them accumulate valuable experience. for instance if that student is a waiter he must have good communication and presentation skill .In case she's a shop assistant, she must have technological and cognitive skill. These soft skills can vary from different jobs students can help but there's a priceless skill one taking a part-time job can obtain- financial management skill - one of the most fundamental skills constituting a wealthy life
Beside a part-time job also creates a source of money which students can expand or put aside for the future .this fund might be very helpful to some students coming from poor families
Last but not least, the labor market both at the present and in the future tends to hands-on employees .what that means is recruiters are leaning towards the applicants who have had practical experience, not theoretical and rigid one. Therefore, definitely, having a part-time job will tip the balance for those students in their careers
To conclude, having a part-time job together with studying brings students a large number of benefits. In spite of the fact that it has high potential of distracting students themselves from studying buts its advantages outweigh that downside