Some people believe it is a good idea for students to work part-time to ensure better opportunities in the future.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
It is often said that students should have a part-time job alongside their study for a better future. I completely agree with this view, and will give my reasons below.
In my opinion, the salary students earn from their part-time jobs is beneficial for them in many ways. Attending university requires much money to pay for a number of expenses, not only tuition fees but also the cost of books and academic supplies or accommodation if students are living away from home, and a part-time job will therefore allow them to cover these needs. Perhaps more importantly, I would also argue that teenagers may learn to become financially independent from their parents through part-time jobs. By working and earning their own income, these young people will understand the value of money, and develop a sense of responsibility and self-reliance, which prepares them to live on their own as adults.
At the same time, I also believe that working while in school certainly boosts students' future career prospects. Through part-time jobs, especially one related to their major, teenagers can acquire details of what they have been taught, gain real experience and learn practical skills, which may help them stand out when applying for a job. Even if the job experience is not directly connected to the field, young people might be qualified for a position that those without that experience could not get. For example, I would argue that understanding children and their wants from working at a daycare center makes a difference in landing a position in the marketing department of a toy company when compared to someone that has no experience at all.
In conclusion, I believe that those with part-time jobs will thrive in society and thus, students should be encouraged to work during their studies.