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Article Summary : Ahok named suspect in blasphemy case

nda18 46 / 80 9  
Nov 16, 2016   #1
The article from Jakarta post reveals the information about Ahok named suspect in blasphemy case. As we know that for the last few weeks Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, usually called 'Ahok', made a comment about Al-Quran verse when he visited Thousand Islands Regency to speech in late September. Regarding to his controversial speech, over 10,000 people which mostly come from several Muslim groups held a protest at Bundaran HI Jakarta to prosecute Ahok in the blasphemy case. On Tuesday, National Police's Criminal Investigation Department (Bareskrim) had probed evidence from dozen witnesses during ten-hour case screening and previously, several Muslim figures had cited law enforces of protecting the governor, Ahok. Regarding to the outcome of Tuesday investigation, the National Police have named Jakarta Governor, Ahok, a suspect in that blasphemy case and banned Ahok from traveling overseas. Meanwhile, Ahok tells his supporter to accept police decision.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Nov 16, 2016   #2
Nda, this is not a bad summary of the original article. You have covered most of the important points and presented valid evidence. However, there is some lack of clarity in your statements. For example, Ahok did not just make statements, he made "congroversial statements" which led to the protest and blasphemy charges. The word "controversial" is important because it explains the reason why he was investigated by the police and protested by the people. Without the descriptive word to emphasize his actions, the reason for the investigation and protest is not clear. In addition, you should have added the part about the police indicating that he will have a public trial as that explains what kind of justice system he will be facing for his actions. The rest of the essay is acceptable in its current form.

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